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I've made a post to tur-users mailing list but there's something not working there. I see the mails from other people in the archives but I'm not getting anything at my mailbox. Until I get that working I thought that I could post here:
I'm assembling the PKGBUILD and necessary scripts to build a package for
p3scan ( It uses a handcrafted Makefile with
some hardcoded values, so it's a bit of a struggle. I have some questions
about decisions I should take:
a) upon make install, the Makefile creates some directories where the
program will store its .pid file and the infected messages it finds (under
/var/run/p3scan and /var/spool/p3scan). Should I let make install create
this directories (so they get created inside the .pkg and the will get
extracted when installed) or should I create them on post_install? Also,
these directories need to be chowned mail.mail (the default user under which
p3scan runs). make install chowns everything correctly anyway.
b) are these /var directories correct according to Arch standards?
c) The 'install' command used on the Makefile fails when makepkg'ing,
because it can't find directories like /usr/sbin under the package root, it
assumes they're already there. I tried to add the '-D' parameter to it but
it's the same. Therefore I used mkdir -p to create the necessary
I post my current PKGBUILD here (my .install just echoes something like
"Using clamav package is recommended"). I also include a script to be put
under /etc/rc.d.
# Contributor: v01d <phreakuencies at>
pkgdesc="Fully transparent POP3/SMTP proxy with Anti-Virus and SPAM
depends=('pcre' 'openssl')
build() {
cd $startdir/src/$pkgname-$pkgver
# Fix CFLAGS and other options hardcoded in Makefiles
sed -ri "s|^CFLAGS=-Wall( -g)? -O2|CFLAGS=-Wall $CFLAGS|" Makefile
ripmime/Makefile ripmime/tnef/Makefile ripmime/ripOLE/Makefile
sed -ri 's|^LOCATION=.+$|LOCATION=/usr|' ripmime/Makefile
sed -ri 's|$(SYSINS) -v -m 550 --strip p3scan
$(PREFIX)/sbin/|$(SYSINS) -D -v -m 550 --strip p3scan
$(DESTDIR)/usr/sbin/|' Makefile
make || return 1
# Create base dirs, the Makefile assumes they're there
mkdir -p $startdir/pkg/usr/sbin $startdir/pkg/etc/rc.d
# install with root set on $startdir/pkg
make DESTDIR=$startdir/pkg install || return 1
# NOTE: should I create all dirs created during make install on
# delete init script provided and use an arch compatible one
rm -f $startdir/pkg/etc/rc.d/rc.p3scan
cp $startdir/rc.p3scan $startdir/pkg/etc/rc.d/p3scan
chown root.root $startdir/pkg/etc/rc.d/p3scan
chmod 700 $startdir/pkg/etc/rc.d/p3scan
# make absolute link a relative one
cd $startdir/pkg/etc/p3scan
ln -sf p3scan-en.mail p3scan.mail
And the rc script (I just used the script that comes with the source and
adapted it):
. /etc/rc.conf
. /etc/rc.d/functions
case "$1" in
stat_busy "Starting p3scan"
if [ -a /var/run/p3scan/ ]; then stat_die; fi
# Start p3scan
if ! [ -a /var/run/p3scan/ ]; then stat_die; fi
add_daemon p3scan
stat_busy "Stopping p3scan"
# Stop p3scan
if [ -a /var/run/p3scan/ ]; then
kill `cat /var/run/p3scan/` &>/dev/null || stat_die
rm -f /var/run/p3scan/
rm_daemon p3scan
$0 stop
sleep 1
$0 start
echo "Usage: $0 { start | stop | restart }"
exit 0
I'm assembling the PKGBUILD and necessary scripts to build a package for
p3scan ( It uses a handcrafted Makefile with
some hardcoded values, so it's a bit of a struggle. I have some questions
about decisions I should take:
a) upon make install, the Makefile creates some directories where the
program will store its .pid file and the infected messages it finds (under
/var/run/p3scan and /var/spool/p3scan). Should I let make install create
this directories (so they get created inside the .pkg and the will get
extracted when installed) or should I create them on post_install? Also,
these directories need to be chowned mail.mail (the default user under which
p3scan runs). make install chowns everything correctly anyway.
Create these directories in the PKGBUILD (with make install)
b) are these /var directories correct according to Arch standards?
Yes, they are correct.
c) The 'install' command used on the Makefile fails when makepkg'ing,
because it can't find directories like /usr/sbin under the package root, it
assumes they're already there. I tried to add the '-D' parameter to it but
it's the same. Therefore I used mkdir -p to create the necessary
That's fine. BTW, you can also use 'install -d' instead of 'mkdir -p' to create the directories.
Some comment about the PKGBUILD:
1. Put rc.p3scan in the source array. Remove the ';' at the end of the source array.
2. If you use a .install file, you'll need to uncomment the #install=p3scan.install
3. To install the script, replace:
cp $startdir/rc.p3scan $startdir/pkg/etc/rc.d/p3scan
chown root.root $startdir/pkg/etc/rc.d/p3scan
chmod 700 $startdir/pkg/etc/rc.d/p3scan
install -D -m755 $startdir/src/rc.p3scan $startdir/pkg/etc/rc.d/p3scan
thank you for the reply
I also got it on the mailing list, seems I only receive mails that are answers to my posts.
BTW, I made the rc.p3scan script and I can't provide a stable URL from where it should be downloaded. I though adding it to the tarball that I'm going to send to AUR. Is that the proper way?
ML: You should receive all the emails that are sent to the list. You didn't get other emails yet because nobody (exept me) has posted since your initial e-mail.
Yes. Add the script and the .install file, if any, in the tarball.
They should be with the PKGBUILD in a directory named p3scan.