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I've read somewhere how to use slim with nvidia but forgot where.
Is there anybody that use slim with nvidia (binary driver, not nv)?
to live is to die
I have used slim regularly with no issues at all.....
I dont see why there would be an issue, X controls the nvidia driver, slim controls x....
Hmmm... but my slim stops working after I change nv to nvidia.
to live is to die
can you startx from console, after installing nvidia?
Yes, of course. Both startx and startxfce4 works fine. Slim works fine too but only with nv driver.
Xorg and Xfce4 works with both nvidia and nv driver.
to live is to die
I have no ideas really, maybe someone else can chip in.....
if it works with one it should work with the other.
how are you starting slim?
from /etc/inittab works best I find
are you restarting slim after installing changing to nvidia?
how are you starting slim?
from rc.conf
are you restarting slim after installing changing to nvidia?
/etc/rc.d/slim stop
nano /etc/X11/xorg.conf
/etc/rc.d/slim start
Reboot does not helps too.
to live is to die
If you are still having trouble with this, you could try running slim from inittab as was previously suggested. Maybe the problem you are seeing is related to whether or not slim is run as a daemon.
x:5:respawn:/usr/bin/slim >& /dev/null
Maybe worth a shot.