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does it work for anyone? from the menu it appears in the taskbar then disappears. console reads this:
(celestia:2795): Gtk-WARNING **: Locale not supported by C library.
Using the fallback 'C' locale.
Cannot chdir to '${prefix}/share/celestia', probably due to improper installation.
(celestia:2795): Gtk-CRITICAL **: gtk_widget_set_size_request: assertion `width >= -1' failed
Error reading configuration file.
any idears? thanks
Same on my system
I asked google without a helpfull response. Gentoo and Fedora packages don't patch much more than we do. In the Gentoo ebuild is mentioned that there are issues known when compiling with commercial nvidia driver installed. This could be the reason as I have nvidia installed on my system.
Can you check it with recompiling without nvidia driver installed? Or I will do it later in my chroot environment.
that shouldn't really matter.. i'm kind of a celestia geek and used to compile it myself a bit under suse x86_64 and it worked fine there. actually now that i remember the issue was with gcc 4, which needed a patch to get it to work. are you using this already since it compiles? i'll try to find it.
maybe it's something with the 32-bit opengl "compatibility libraries" the driver asks to install? i used the nvidia driver when compiling under suse and it worked.
Same on my system
I asked google without a helpfull response. Gentoo and Fedora packages don't patch much more than we do. In the Gentoo ebuild is mentioned that there are issues known when compiling with commercial nvidia driver installed. This could be the reason as I have nvidia installed on my system.
Can you check it with recompiling without nvidia driver installed? Or I will do it later in my chroot environment.
dude i'm an idiot. i got it to work:
$ cd /usr/share/celestia
$ celestia
:-) it fires right up.
Same here. But why that?
this works, i think we can track it down somehow:
$ celestia --dir=/usr/share/celestia
also, why i s it passing back {prefix} instead of /usr? that seems odd..
$ celestia --help-all
celestia [OPTION...]
Help Options:
-?, --help Show help options
--help-all Show all help options
--help-gtk Show GTK+ Options
GTK+ Options
--class=CLASS Program class as used by the window manager
--name=NAME Program name as used by the window manager
--screen=SCREEN X screen to use
--sync Make X calls synchronous
--gtk-module=MODULES Load additional GTK+ modules
--g-fatal-warnings Make all warnings fatal
Application Options:
-c, --conf=file Alternate configuration file
-d, --dir=directory Alternate installation directory
-e, --extrasdir=directory Additional "extras" directory
-f, --fullscreen Start full-screen
-s, --nosplash Disable splash screen
--display=DISPLAY X display to use
andy-- i opened up a thread on celestia's for this issue, they're thinking it's a build system problem with automake and autoconf, setting the path wrong in the makefiles. here's the link for the thread:
does that help at all? check this out:
$ strings /usr/bin/celestia | grep usr
$ strings /usr/bin/celestia | grep share
$ strings /usr/bin/celestia | grep prefix
hope that helps,
hi i just wanted to let you know it works now with a little workaround that can be put into the PKGBUILD . abor over in the celestia group came up with this:
for mfile in $(find ./ -name Makefile) ; do
TmP=$(<mfile> "$mfile"
echo "End of write. Run "${0/*//} -p" to check." ;
here's a modified PKGBUILD; i had to take out the 'make || return 1' because it was messing up the script, it just does a straight make install:
# $Id: PKGBUILD,v 1.11 2006/06/03 12:40:08 tpowa Exp $
# Contributor : Damir Perisa <damir>
# Maintainer: damir <damir>
pkgdesc="Real-time space simulation"
arch=(i686 x86_64)
depends=('gtk2' 'lua' 'gtkglext' 'glut' 'libxmu' 'mesa')
celestia-lua51.patch celestia-1.4.0-compile.patch)
# gcc34x.patch)
build() {
cd $startdir/src/$pkgname-$pkgver
#patch -p1 -i $startdir/src/gcc34x.patch
#patch -p0 -i $startdir/src/qt-stl.patch
patch -Np1 -i $startdir/src/celestia-lua51.patch || return 1
patch -Np0 -i $startdir/src/celestia-1.4.0-compile.patch || return 1
./configure --prefix=/usr
# make || return 1
for mfile in $(find ./ -name Makefile) ; do
TmP=$(<mfile> "$mfile"
echo "End of write. Run "${0/*//} -p" to check." ;
echo "";
make DESTDIR=$startdir/pkg install
# rm $startdir/pkg/$pkgname.schemas
md5sums=('be1d36fc97a13b9a276249dbc0efac41' 'ecc2e10ab99c5d026656b78c7602d31d'
i've emailed damir the maintainer for the package.
Hm. That pkgbuilld is not working. Please check it.
what error does it give you? i thought i copied and pasted it in there