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I have rtl8723be wireless card, and my WiFi disconnects by itself in intervals of 1-4 hours. ip a still shows that I have an IP address, and WiFi is shown as connected in the i3bar. But I can't access any website nor ping anything. I also tried what was suggested in the Arch wiki (here). Doesn't make any difference. I tried adding swlps=0 ips=0 as many people online suggested that, but again no difference. I tried ant_sel=1 and ant_sel=2, but with 1 it makes no difference, and with 2 I can't even connect.
I use Arch since June of last year, and wifi worked fine before the patch for KRACK Attack was applied to wpa_supplicant 4 months ago. That was the time when the issue appeared (doesn't mean that the problem is in the wpa_supplicant, maybe my problem and wpa_supplicant upgrade are only temporally linked).
Could it be the bug in the drivers or wpa_supplicant? If so, I need your help to find where it is so I can report it to the right developers. Before the issue is fixed, maybe you can help me to find a workaround.
My kernel version is 4.15.5, and my wpa_supplicant version is 2.6.
Last edited by momu (2018-04-01 13:28:13)
systool -vm rtl8723be
And try
swenc=1 ips=0 swlps=0 fwlp=0
"ips=0" sould disable all power saving, rendering swlps and fwlp useless, but "ips=" is no legal parameter (and will just keep the default) and "swlps=0" is the default anyway (because fwlps=1 is default, meaning the FW controls the power saving)
"swenc=1" disables the HW encryption (causing slightly more CPU load but it's a popular cause for stale connections on atheros chips at least)
Lastly check whether you got a linux-firmware update over the critical time, which firmware is loaded (dmesg should know) and whether rolling back that firmware makes a difference.
systool -vm rtl8723be
And try
swenc=1 ips=0 swlps=0 fwlp=0
"ips=0" sould disable all power saving, rendering swlps and fwlp useless, but "ips=" is no legal parameter (and will just keep the default) and "swlps=0" is the default anyway (because fwlps=1 is default, meaning the FW controls the power saving)
"swenc=1" disables the HW encryption (causing slightly more CPU load but it's a popular cause for stale connections on atheros chips at least)Lastly check whether you got a linux-firmware update over the critical time, which firmware is loaded (dmesg should know) and whether rolling back that firmware makes a difference.
I meant to write ips=0, not ips=.
Also, I must ask: if parameters returned by systool -vm rtl8723be list some values for some parameters as 1/0 or Y/N, I must use these for setting parameters too (for example, aspm is set to 1, if I want to turn it off I must use 0 and can't use N, or if msi is set to N, if I want to turn it on I must use Y and can't use 1)?
By the way, you meant fwlps, not fwlp, right?
"fwlps", yes. 0/1 maps to N/Y, but you should use the values provided by modinfo (the parameters here are bool, but sometimes they're integer and then the outcome is arbitrary)
If you already tried "ips=0" (confirmed by systool output?) most of this is moot and the only things left are the swenc=0 parameter and downgrading the firmware.
swenc=Y doesn't help. I downgraded the firmware and I'll use it for a few hours to see how it works.
Where should I report the issue?
Offline see eg. (it's not necessarily the same bug!)
Downgrading the firmware doesn't work. I'll wait for kernel 4.16 to see if it fixes my issue (reason).
I tried linux 4.15.14, which yesterday came to the repos. It contains the fix that Larry Finger talked about.
I am on Wi-Fi for 12 hours already and there wasn't a single disconnect.
So I consider this solved.
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