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I'm trying to get vlc to work with my Chromecast Audio. Launching vlc gives me this error:
Invalid return value 0 for stream protocol
Invalid return value 0 for stream protocol
Invalid return value 0 for stream protocol
But it continues to work fine. Selecting the chromecast device as the renderer and playing some music results in a continious spam of this:
[00007fce4cc26b40] main stream output error: stream chain failed for `chromecast{ip=}'
[00007fce9403b490] main input error: cannot start stream output instance, aborting
which causes the application to hang. Sometimes there's
[00007f8c1400fd50] idummy demux: command `nop'
[00007f8c14000eb0] demux_chromecast demux_filter warning: using Chromecast demuxer with no sout
mixed in with the other messages.
My VLC version is
VLC media player 3.0.1 Vetinari (revision 3.0.1-0-gec0f700fcc)
Casting works fine when done from my phone using the Google Play Music application, however, I could not get it to work using the unnoficial Google Play Music client on my computer.
I'm getting the exact same error, I followed the instructions on the wiki I have the 3.0.14 Vetinari branch of vlc with the dependencies and edited the conf file exactly as described. My devices show up under the renderer and are selectable but nothing plays and I get the error described above