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#1 2006-07-29 14:45:07

From: Montpezat (South France)
Registered: 2005-12-07
Posts: 96

"Stable" vs. moving targets... question from a Sla


I'm an Austrian writer living in Montpezat (South France), a 100% GNU/Linux user since 2001. Been trying all sorts of distros and kept Slackware for a few years, though more and more stuff (GNOME libs, d-bus, HAL, ...) tend to be missing from Slack.

I've been thinking about giving Arch a try, since I'm also a fan of the Keep-It-Simple principle. (My favourite configuration tool is Vi  big_smile ).

One thing is annoying me a bit. I live in a very remote place in the South French countryside, and there's no way to get a fast internet access here. (Our LAN shares one 56 kbps modem connection via IP masquerading, ouch!).

Is there some sort of "stable" repo to install additional software for a certain release (like Debian's Woody, Sarge, Etch, ...)? I can't really afford a moving-target policy with the quality of my connection. Plus, I'm also the local sysadmin for the town hall's computers, library and school, and one thing I've learnt from my experience with Debian, Gentoo or others, is that upgrading certain system packages (, udev, ...) tends to make a hell of a mess and to break things... which I can't afford. (On the other hand, Debian Sarge is too old for me, and I've never really got to like Debian </troll>).

One other solution would be, of course, to write my own build scripts for the missing packages, and build them all myself.

Thought I'd better ask before I start downloading that bear (or order it by snail-mail).



Dyslexics have more fnu.


#2 2006-07-29 15:50:40

Registered: 2004-07-22
Posts: 442

Re: "Stable" vs. moving targets... question from a Sla

well, arch retains the packages available in current at each release. however, that is only a small subset of the packages. the real meat of the distro is in extra, which there are no snapshots of.

so, the question becomes, is there a place you can order an extra repo dvd? or set of cds? i remember seeing one somewhere.


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