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Hi, I am using lynx now because KDE after update few hours ago doesn't work correct.
KDE start but there are KDE crsh daemon million times.
There are no errors in logs.
Hi, I am using lynx now because KDE after update few hours ago doesn't work correct.
KDE start but there are KDE crsh daemon million times.
There are no errors in logs.
Again me from wifes computer.
KDE start but there are KDE DAemon: The KDE Crash Handler window which start each second. Now is number 146 and counting...
Did you update before everything was put into the repos? Did you get any "couldn't get file size" errors during the update?
After las pacman -Syu I didn;t get any error. Everything was okay.
I tried startx again and is same but after ctrl-alt-backspace I got
_X11TransSocketINETConnect() can't get address for localhost:6000: Name
or service not known
drkonqi:cannot connect to xserver :0.0
Lynx is still very good )
I am also seeing a multitude of kde crash daemon notices when logging into a kde session.
I'm getting the same thing. A never ending stream of kde daemon crashes until I kill X.
No errors from pacman when I ran with "-Syu", but KDE is now effectively useless.
I did the full upgrade on two of my three machines. Major mistake. :-(
are you using hal?
as temporary workaround until kdebase-2 package arrices on your mirrors, add dbus and hal to daemons= array in rc.conf then the crashes stop.
As usual, tpowa is the man with the solution!
You were correct, I was not using hal nor dbus. I added both to the "DAEMONS=" line in /etc/rc.conf and rebooted. The KDE daemon crashes are gone and I am typing this reply from my KDE desktop. :-)
Thanks for the lightning fast workaround. It is much appreciated.
BTW, when "kdebase-2" hits the mirrors, I will try it with and without the dbus and hal daemons. Once I have verified that it works both ways, I am going to keep dbus and hal running unless I can find a compelling reason to disable them.
Thanks again.
- Joe
as temporary workaround until kdebase-2 package arrices on your mirrors, add dbus and hal to daemons= array in rc.conf then the crashes stop.
Thank a lot for the new kdebase . New hot morning, new update and everything is as before . Thanks.
BTW: I like linx
The new kdebase works with and without dbus & hal.
Thanks, tpowa!
Pages: 1