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Errr...dude, the usefulness of mpd is going to be severly limited in a live environment...unless you get the whole root nesting thing going on your USB stick to store your settings and can connect your local FS to access your "tunes".
:cry: ok
Mr Green
MPD SUCKS! :evil:
MPD SUCKS! :evil:
Is that a joke or a flat-out troll? You know what we do to trolls round here?
it was going so well then....
MPD SUCKS! :evil:
Mr Green
Gheeez...I thought this was laid-back community, but looks like I touched a nerve on some. :? Relax, it's good for your health.
Yeah, we're relaxed and laid back because we don't have to worry about people making ridiculous and uncessarily inflamatory comments. So don't do it, please.
Since the idea is to stick to a GTK2 environment, here are my preferences:
File Manager: Thunar
Alt. Icons: NuoveXT1.6 (unless there is a reason I don't know about)
Browser: Firefox
IM: Gaim
Chat: XChat (I know Irssi is popular, but trying to keep it GTK)
Simple Editor: Leafpad
Multimedia: MPlayer, Audacious
Utilities: Galculator, Obconf
Since the idea is to stick to a GTK2 environment, here are my preferences:
File Manager: Thunar
Alt. Icons: NuoveXT1.6 (unless there is a reason I don't know about)
Browser: Firefox
IM: Gaim
Chat: XChat (I know Irssi is popular, but trying to keep it GTK)
Simple Editor: Leafpad
Multimedia: MPlayer, Audacious
Utilities: Galculator, Obconf
I agree with this (except I use rox instead of thunar). I think NuoveXT is more complete than Tango is at this point. I also use fbpanel for a pager and system tray.
No dude we want mpd ... pympd ...
mplayer for video
Is xine still around lol
Yeah Xine is still around, and it has pretty much the same capabilities as MPlayer.
The other one is GStreamer... 0.8.x was not good enough, but 0.10.x is pretty nice, uses less space than MPlayer/Xine and plays most things fine (including most Quicktime videos). There would be two big problems though... One is that GST can't do visualizations without skipping like crazy and slowing your machine down because of some CPU utilization bug in libvisual, the other is finding a non-Gnome GTK-based video player that uses GStreamer. For embedded videos, Mozplugger would have to be used, I think.
(Using GST would let you put in BMPx without wasting space on a second media framework... I suppose that would be good for those who wanted a dedicated music player.)
thats cool ... but I'll have mpd in mine lol .
bmp yes....
Mr Green
*cough* that was BMPx not BMP *cough*
Great idea!
Sylpheed Claws, pypanel, and thunar would be nice (but xfe would be enough). Firefox is required, as is urxvt, screen, and irssi (auto-join #openbox@oftc and #archlinux@freenode)
For a text editor, i highly recommend medit. I don't think it pulls alot of libs, and it's a great editor. Otherwise, gvim would be pretty good.
Eh, better Thunar than xfe IMO. But that is IMO.
Re pypanel... Not really necessary with Openbox. For displaying date, time, etc. though, I think conky would be preferable; on the other hand, the presence of pypanel would not do any harm.
Terminal should probably be urxvt.
Gvim should definitely be there as a text editor, since vim is almost certainly going in...
(I don't really see the need for a notepad-type editor, Gvim is hardly cumbersome.)
for those who don't know/like vi, leafpad would be OK.
medit still much better
We start going on about editors we will end up with 50 of them
you only need one nano rofl
Mr Green
for those who don't know/like vi, leafpad would be OK.
medit still much better
I think scite has more features like color syntax, autocompletition, folding and do on.
For console we can always have vim and nono as we have on instalation CD.
Color syntax, autocompletion and folding are features most likely required by someone who already knows their way around editors, so that's not a huge issue.
Leafpad or mousepad are two good alternatives for a simple editor.
Also, a nicely configured pypanel would be great for people used to DE's and having taskbars and such. It certainly would not do much harm.
why not include 10 editors? I don't think we're to the point of filling up the cd yet.
Because we want to also boot off of pen drives?
(Three editors are enough... Nano, vim, gvim. I'd say get rid of nano as well, but that might annoy some people.)
I'm annoyed lol
Mr Green
Errr...dude, the usefulness of mpd is going to be severly limited in a live environment...unless you get the whole root nesting thing going on your USB stick to store your settings and can connect your local FS to access your "tunes".
I was going to make a live cd with mpd, so made a little script to ask you music dir (all you need to add to the mpdconf).
if [ -e ~/.mpd/mpd.db ] ;
mpd $*
Xdialog --wrap --title "Start mpd?"
--yesno "Mpd needs to know the directory of you music collection,
it will then make a database, this may take some time.
Do you wish to continue?" 0 0
if [ $? != 0 ] ;
DIR=`Xdialog --title "Please choose a directory" --dselect /mnt/ 0 0 2>&1`
if [ $? = 0 ] ;
echo $DIR
sed -i -e "s@music_directory@music_directory "$music_dir"@g" /etc/mpd.conf
mpd --create-db
It should work but i never fully tested it.
MPlayer might be better, not sure about the browser plugin though, mplayer-plugin as of right now downloads everything it plays to the desktop IIRC.
Add "keep-downloaded=0" to /etc/mplayerplug-in.conf
the new gvim pulls in python and ruby so maybe use gvim6 or see if can be compiled with out the deps.
Hmm, I this would be a okay setup:
Browser: Mozilla Firefox, links2
IRC: X-Chat, irssi
Graphic: Gimp, Mirage
Multimedia: BMP, Xine, MPlayer
Burning: Graveman, Bashburn
Editors: nano, vim, gvim
OB extra: obconf, obmenu
File Manager: Pcmanfm, mc
Terminals: xterm, urxvt
Office: Gpdf, abiword
Chat: Gaim
Others: gtk-switch2
Arch - It's something refreshing
Gullible Jones wrote:MPlayer might be better, not sure about the browser plugin though, mplayer-plugin as of right now downloads everything it plays to the desktop IIRC.
Add "keep-downloaded=0" to /etc/mplayerplug-in.conf
Thanks! :oops:
the new gvim pulls in python and ruby so maybe use gvim6 or see if can be compiled with out the deps.
Python's already part of most systems and would be useful for OB3-related stuff, and Ruby isn't very big... I say we keep version 7.
File Manager: Pcmanfm, mc
Pcmanfm is still a rather buggy, lacks a lot of Thunar's functionality, and isn't significantly lighter.
whargoul wrote:File Manager: Pcmanfm, mc
Pcmanfm is still a rather buggy, lacks a lot of Thunar's functionality, and isn't significantly lighter.
It isn't buggy for me, and what else do you want from a filemanager?
Arch - It's something refreshing