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bitlbee never worked for me
I'm just config'ing my Archie machine to run this.
And I'd like to report complete success -
- but I can't.
What's up with the archie repo? I added
--install2arch wlan-ng26-archie
to your build command, as I've always done when building Archie, but mkliveiso failed to find the package - not surprising really, as archie.db.tar.gz only lists the following:
Digging around on the server, I can see an out-of-date wlan-ng26-archie package for the 2.6.13 kernel. I suppose things like that won't get updated until some testing's been done, right?
Never mind. I'll run the test without it - I just don't see the point of a live CD without net access.
We run the stock -beyond kernel now so the you need the beyond wlan-ng26 driver
Thanks for trying it, tomk. Much appreciated.
Cool - and apologies. Now that you say it, I remember that decision being made, but it's a fair while since I did any Archie stuff, so I'm a bit rusty.
Apart from wlan-ng, though, I now have another problem. mkliveiso has just stopped again, with this message:
syslinux: not found in sync db
Can I assume that should be mksyslinux? If so, how come yours worked? :?
Very weird! I can see that mksyslinux was a new pkg in May and I must assume that syslinux was just an old version...
And I must assume it worked on mine because it is cached in pacman/pkg - though that seems odd. Will fix it ASAP.
tomk: syslinux is in the [archie] repo - guess I should mention that in the howto. Jump on IRC if you can #archie on freenode
Here's another one:
busybox: not found in sync db
/sbin/busybox is part of mkinitrd, but surely we won't be using that with Archie?
Whoops, it's in the [archie] testing repo, we split it a while ago.
Server =
Right - that explains a lot.
I was still using the repo.
It's the same...server...what address did you have?
OK, after a busy IRC session I have ironed out all the errors in my howto. If you tried it any more than 10 mins ago it would never have worked! So, many, many thanks to Tom for being such a willing and patient guinea pig.
Hoepfully we should hear if it worked shortly.
I'm getting this:
# pacman -S archie-scripts
error: cannot resolve dependencies for "archie-scripts":
"gensplashutils" is not in the package set
gensplashutils is in [community]
[~]: pacman -Ss gensplashutils
Utilties to enable framebuffer splash screens and console backgrounds using
the fbsplash kernel patch. Includes the darch splash theme.
# The options for --gfx include ati, nvidia or nvidia_legacy - set yours appropriately
What If you are going to use it on a machine that don't use nvidia or ati? Wouldn't it be a good idea to include vesa?
Arch - It's something refreshing
Don't you mean mesa? The problem is libgl conflicts - dri is also an option which I didn't list - thanks for pointing it out.
Don't you mean mesa? The problem is libgl conflicts - dri is also an option which I didn't list - thanks for pointing it out.
Well maybe I got it wrong, but doesn't the "--gfx" line mean what graphiccard you are using. Meaning if you choose "nvidia" it will not work on machines using and Ati GFX and so on. Or have I got it all wrong?
Arch - It's something refreshing
The libgl files in various graphic drivers conflict including dri, nvidia, nvidia-legacy and ati. You can only install one set of these drivers therefore. All the regular X drivers are installed as normal. You want to just use them then dri (mesa) is the choice to make.
Very weird! I can see that mksyslinux was a new pkg in May and I must assume that syslinux was just an old version...
And I must assume it worked on mine because it is cached in pacman/pkg - though that seems odd. Will fix it ASAP.
Something odd going on there - you posted that at 9.30 this morning.:?
Anyway, that message about archie.c32 not found seems to have been significant - my CD won't boot. Very nice looking fbsplash screens, but all it does is decompress and run the initrd, then drops to busybox. If I hit F1 at boot, then enter 'menu', it says 'cannot find archie.c32 kernel image', and then does the same thing.
I found archie.c32 in /usr/share/archie/iso, and copied it over to $CVSROOT/archie/src/archie-scripts/iso. Running it again now.
Shouldn't this file be included in the CVS checkout?
OK, the archie.c32 _is_ the menu, that's the problem there. It not booting I guess would be the lack of the modules. All I can suggest is that you try again but use the full --installarch command and see what that does.
Please keep the output this time
Thanks again.
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That file is installed by archie-scripts and it is built from source into that pkg. Only the source is available in CVS. However, it's just the menu, you can do without it for testing purpose. Your workaround will fix it though
So I have to use beyond kernel to be able to build obarchie ;-(
Mr Green I like Landuke!
No, not at all. You can use the stock kernel with the module provided in [extra] and you can even use a clever pkg that ziggy made that will install the module for any kernel: it's called unionfs-auto I think.
So, I lied when I said you needed -beyond, I forgot how times have changed...
tried that no luck yet....
errr modprobe unionfs works ;-S
so either package is out of date ....or I am doing something wrong (more likely!)
would be cool to have archie build in a loop device or hard disc image for those who do not have a spare partition ....
Mr Green I like Landuke!