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Right then - attempt #n+1 is now up and running - I've lost count, so you can assign whatever value you like for n.
Incidentally, the unionfs module autoloaded just fine - which is another way of saying that I forgot to preload it, and hoped for the best!
Hopefully, the next one won't be another coaster - I'll know in about an hour.
A bit anti-climactic for 2000 posts, isn't it? Ah well ....
Ugh... Just for the record I was wrong about Thunar, it also depends on libxfce4util-svn. Pcmanfm FTW, I guess.
This is p***ing me off now - I've got all those missing modules again e.g.
cp: cannot stat `/root/archie-tmp-14194/archieroot/lib/modules/*/kernel/fs/ext3/ext3.ko': No such file or directory
But I can still do this:
# ls /root/archie-tmp-14194/archieroot/lib/modules/*/kernel/fs/ext3/ext3.ko
So wtf is going on?
gensplashutils is in [community]
thank you, and sorry! I had just edited pacman.conf and was sure I enabled community. Ok. onward.
checking package integrity... done.
loading package data... done.
checking for file conflicts... done.
upgrading unionfs-auto... done.
:: Building unionfs module for your kernel (2.6.17-ARCH)
:: Installing unionfs module
cc1: warnings being treated as errors
/usr/src/unionfs-20060605-1236/mmap.c:319: warning: initialization from incompat ible pointer type
make[2]: *** [/usr/src/unionfs-20060605-1236/mmap.o] Error 1
make[1]: *** [_module_/usr/src/unionfs-20060605-1236] Error 2
make: *** [unionfs.ko] Error 2
union-auto not working here with stock kernel.....
quick someone get me a pkgbuild lol
Mr Green
So wtf is going on?
I don't know...but I will try and check. Obviously I am not having this problem.
union-auto not working here with stock kernel
I'll have to check that too...or you could take a look at the current stock unionfs PKGBUILD and the unionfs-auto PKGBUILD and fix it for me...go on, there's a good chap
/me not no dev.... lol
yeah I will look .... makepkg may give more clues ,,,,,
unionfs-auto in /archie ....
==> ERROR: mmap.patch was not found in the build directory and is not a proper URL.
==> Aborting...
Mr Green
==> ERROR: mmap.patch was not found in the build directory and is not a proper URL. ==> Aborting...
Ziggy did it!
ok here is not the place for fixin' it ....
we need Ziggy ;-)
whats with #archie?
Mr Green
Why not just install unionfs from [extra]?
tomk wrote:So wtf is going on?
I don't know...but I will try and check. Obviously I am not having this problem.
Right - forgive my tone.
I've had a look at the create_initramfs function in mkliveiso, and I can't see anything obviously wrong. I even tried replacing /lib/modules/* with an explicit /lib/modules/2.6.17-beyond, and it still failed with the same errors.
I'm not really up to this level of bash yet, but I'll keep looking anyway - at least I'm learning something.
pacman -S unionfs
:: unionfs-20060616.1848-1: is up to date. Upgrade anyway? [Y/n] y
Targets: unionfs-20060616.1848-1
Total Package Size: 0.1 MB
Proceed with upgrade? [Y/n] y
:: Retrieving packages from extra...
unionfs-20060616.1848-1 [################] 100% 38K 21.0K/s 00:00:01
checking package integrity... done.
loading package data... done.
checking for file conflicts... done.
upgrading unionfs... done.
already there ..... i can modprobe in unionfs ... np ... but building archie does not work
think you need to use archie version ... to build
Mr Green
I even tried replacing /lib/modules/* with an explicit /lib/modules/2.6.17-beyond, and it still failed with the same errors.
I love it when people actually try that sort of stuff! What I don't get is that right before the copying lines it checks specifically that the folder exists and if it doesn't sets it to another folder. However, we know it is _not_ being set to that other folder because the error messages show us that it is using the "correct" we know that folder is there. Does that make sense? So, I'm a bit baffled. I'll try and build some better error checking into that function tonight and see what that turns up. Keep trying by all means though! And don't worrry about the tone, I fully empathise!
Mr Green: what exactly goes wrong in your archie build? You haven't said.
[root@Arch archie-scripts]# ./mkliveiso --installarch --buildiso openbox --gfx dri --archieconf . --saveas ~/archie-openbox.iso /dev/hda4
> mkliveiso v0.6, by z4ziggy at
: The kernel you are running does not appear to have unionfs enabled.
: Please install the appropriate unionfs module pkg for your kernel
: or install the unionfs-auto pkg (pacman -S unionfs-auto) to
: build and install the module for your kernel
> oops, error occured, abandoning ship...
:: Cleaning up [BUSY] rm: missing operand
Try `rm --help' for more information.
[root@Arch archie-scripts]# pacman -S unionfs-auto
:: unionfs-auto-20060605.1236-4: is up to date. Upgrade anyway? [Y/n] y
Targets: unionfs-auto-20060605.1236-4
Total Package Size: 0.2 MB
Proceed with upgrade? [Y/n] y
checking package integrity... done.
loading package data... done.
checking for file conflicts... done.
upgrading unionfs-auto... done.
:: Building unionfs module for your kernel (2.6.17-ARCH)
:: Installing unionfs module
cc1: warnings being treated as errors
/usr/src/unionfs-20060605-1236/mmap.c:319: warning: initialization from incompat ible pointer type
make[2]: *** [/usr/src/unionfs-20060605-1236/mmap.o] Error 1
make[1]: *** [_module_/usr/src/unionfs-20060605-1236] Error 2
make: *** [unionfs.ko] Error 2
[root@Arch archie-scripts]#
Mr Green
OK - while I still don't understand why the stock unionfs pkg is no good to you I have updated unionfs-auto and it seems to build just fine here
/me kicks box.....
I am running stock kernel not the pimped out rides you guys use lol
Mr Green
Will you ffs forget about unionfs-auto, which you have already found to be missing a patch, and install unionfs from extra?!
Then dtw can get back to sorting out my problems.
/me kicks box.....
I am running stock kernel not the pimped out rides you guys use lol
There is a pkg for the stock kernel in [extra] for crying out loud! You do know this right?! Is it not working for you?! :cry:
Then dtw can get back to sorting out my problems.
I made some marginal should at least error out now if it fails to copy modules. Give it a try would you
OK, I inadvertantly recreated the module copy situation!
I was testing how it works with --gfx nvidia without doing --installarch and kernel26beyond got dragged in as dep...which gets installed to the target partition. Then unionfs kicks in, mounts the "live" part over the top and low and behold find kernel26beyond already the test comes back true...but you can't copy the modules.
I rebuilt with --installarch and it worked fine. At some point, whether due to unionfs not mounting, I bet that kernel26beyond had been installed to your target partition and that's causing the problem, Tom. It shouldn't be because the script should account for this but it seems it isn't. Worked for me at least!
> Creating compressed partition image (squashfs), go have a coffee...
> Creating final iso image (/home/dibble//isos/archie-cli.iso)
cp: cannot stat `/home/dibble//archie-tmp-20129/tmp/usr/lib/syslinux/isolinux.bin': No such file or directory
install: cannot stat `./iso/archie.c32': No such file or directory
mkisofs: Uh oh, I cant find the boot image 'isolinux/isolinux.bin' !
> oops, error occured, abandoning ship...
:: Cleaning up
Oh no! It's getting a bit tricky!
Ok - just tried. All the same error messages, but the script kept going, started mksquashfs, and ordered me a coffee.
Arse! I'm baffled then. Using --installarch definitely fixed the problem here but maybe my idea about the kernel wasn't the problem at all.
It would help for me to see the whole output of the script I think
You're spot on, and it's my insistence on installing wlan-ng that caused it - wlan-ng26-beyond drags in kernel26beyond.
I've removed it from the target, and the module errors are now gone. I'm feeling optimistic now, so I'd better not get any of that missing isolinux crap ........
You're spot on, and it's my insistence on installing wlan-ng that caused it - wlan-ng26-beyond drags in kernel26beyond.
That crossed my mind but obviously it only half-formed in my brain and I forgot to mention it :s I was probably distracted by the missing isolinux crap...but that seems to be fixed for me too. I dunno if it was a reverted change I made. If it fails make sure to checkout latest CVS before retrying.
If you still want wlan-ng you can use --install2iso rather than --install2arch and it should work fine. We need to fix the main problem though to be sure.
OK, mkliveiso finished successfully. I had done a completely new checkout, and forgot to copy over archie.c32, so that's missing, and I'm still getting this fairly cryptic thing:
Unknown file type (unallocated) /root/archie-tmp-9394/archieiso/.. - ignoring and continuing.
after 'Creating iso image' and before 'Cleaning up'.
I'll run it again with archie.c32 in place, and burn & test in the morning.