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I cant seem to figure out how to fire up jshell, the command <jshell> isnt recognized <zsh: command not found: jshell>.
I installed the openjdk10 package per the wiki and then logged out and back in. Programs written in Java run fine, I suppose I'm missing some package?
Last edited by Kabir (2018-05-28 18:42:37)
Thanks! The files werent being sourced correctly, I ran:
source /etc/profile
in the terminal and was able to run jshell, but to make this persistent, I added the source line in my zshrc, is that correct?
% echo $PATH
I removed the source line from zshrc and rebooted and now jshell works without the source line being added. I guess logging out and back in must not have worked and I hadnt rebooted since I installed jdk.
Pages: 1