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Has anyone got a working config for the above set up with transparent Aterms? My aterms are really messed up, random green-yellow backgrounds to text. Scrolling in vim fills the aterm with yellow. Also I can't seem to get fluxbox's menus to turn transparent.
Xorg.0.log tells me composite is enabled. Is this a clash between Aterm*transparent: true in Xdefaults and xcompmgr?
If I don't load xcompmgr, I don't have the problem, but don't have the eyecandy.
try running aterm from a terninal with
aterm -tr
aterm +tr
Is it garbled for both?
I just want to be a moderately intelligent monkey that wears a suit.... That's why I've enrolled in business school!
I think it was a clash between psuedo-transparency and xcmopmgr. I turned aterms transparency off, and set alpha variables in fluxbox init file and all is well. Eyecandy galore.