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I am new to ArchLinux. I followed install instructions, installed ArchLinux to my hard disk.
I have no wired network interface, so i have to use Wifi, i enabled wifi with
ip link set wlxe8de270b3955 up
systemctl start dhclient@wlxe8de270b3955
iw dev wlxe8de270b3955 connect -w SSID
That got me internet during the install.
After install, i rebooted and able to boot to new ArchLinux installation.
But now i don't have internet, i tried to get internet like i done during install, but i don't have dhclient and iw command installed.
How i get dhclient and iw installed ? Can i get it someway from install USB drive or download some files, place it my disk when i am booted in another OS ?
Last edited by ServerOk (2018-06-20 16:58:19)
Set up the connection on the live usb again, run through the chrooting and mounting steps as you did during install and then install the missing packages with pacman.
Last edited by V1del (2018-06-19 08:56:25)
do you have networkmanager, dialog and networkmanager-applet installed?
None of these have anything to do with what ServerOk seems to want to do. However they might want to do that afterwards anyway, indeed. However if they forgot to install the basic utilities chances are that installing networkmanager was also not planned/done.
Last edited by V1del (2018-06-20 15:58:38)
I got it working by installing iw and dhclient. After that i did install gnome and gnome-extra. Now i am on GUI.
I don't have a good theme for Gnome, i like Ubuntu like look. I tried installing some theme, most of them i get a while theme or dark, nothing in between. Currently i am using deepin-dark theme from package repo (installed with pacman). … gtk-theme/
I still need to find a good thene. I tried installing … theme-git/
from AUR, that failed (i am on ubuntu now, so don't have exact error now).
Any suggestions for Gnome theme ?
That really is for another thread, and usually recommendation threads like these will give you 1000 opinions and you will still have to form your own conclusions in the end. Just install a few, try them out, apart from a bit of diskspace there's nothing to lose.
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