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I have run out of fingers trying to count the XFCE screwups, so I am going to devote a whole thread to it.
I have installed xorg as in the wiki.
When I type startx, the screen goes black, and the tty1 console shows some strange error which repeats itself every second showing the time, then a "client 1 rejected by localhost" followed by a "server connection refused" or something like that. I'm not sure if this is expected, as there is no DE yet, but I don't want to install one with a wacky Xorg,
I suppose such hurdles are expected for an ubuntu-man.
Anything interesting in /var/log/Xorg.0.log?
I am a gated community.
startx must be run as non-root,did you do so?
A DE or WM has to be installed and described in your ~/.xinitrc.
Example fluxbox:
echo "exec startfluxbox" >> ~/.xinitrc
Edit your ~/.xinitrc and comment all you don't want out,there are some entries predefined.
With delight the world's fettered.With directed thought it's examined.
Through the abandoning of craving is there said to be Unbinding.
SN 1109
tail /var/log/Xorg.0.log
AUDIT: Sat Aug 5 12:48:57 2006: 2833 X: client 1 rejected from local host
AUDIT: Sat Aug 5 12:48:59 2006: 2833 X: client 1 rejected from local host
AUDIT: Sat Aug 5 12:49:01 2006: 2833 X: client 1 rejected from local host
AUDIT: Sat Aug 5 12:49:03 2006: 2833 X: client 1 rejected from local host
AUDIT: Sat Aug 5 12:49:05 2006: 2833 X: client 1 rejected from local host
AUDIT: Sat Aug 5 12:49:07 2006: 2833 X: client 1 rejected from local host
AUDIT: Sat Aug 5 12:49:09 2006: 2833 X: client 1 rejected from local host
AUDIT: Sat Aug 5 12:49:11 2006: 2833 X: client 1 rejected from local host
AUDIT: Sat Aug 5 12:49:13 2006: 2833 X: client 1 rejected from local host
FreeFontPath: FPE "/usr/share/fonts/misc:unscaled" refcount is 2, should be 1; fixing.
I ran it as root. Why must you run it as non-root?
Here is my .xinitrc
# ~/.xinitrc
# Executed by startx (run your window manager from here)
exec wmaker
# exec startkde
# exec icewm
# exec blackbox
# exec fluxbox
I suppose this is normal if there is no DE installed?
So, supposing I try fluxbox instead, I would do the following:
1 install it
pacman -Sy fluxbox fluxconf menumaker
2. start it
add exec fluxbox to the .xinitrc file.
And it should work?
Sorry,I don't understand.You won't install a DE until xorg works.But how will you find it out without DE.
So, supposing I try fluxbox instead, I would do the following:
1 install it
pacman -Sy fluxbox fluxconf menumaker
2. start it
add exec fluxbox to the .xinitrc file.
Nearly correct.It must be
exec startfluxbox
and not "exec fluxbox" and you have to comment out the fluxbox entry and comment wmmaker.
Note:this must be done as normal user,not root.
If "startx" then does not start you'll get an error message.
With delight the world's fettered.With directed thought it's examined.
Through the abandoning of craving is there said to be Unbinding.
SN 1109
Same problem. turns black, I do Alt+F1 and see the same "client 1 rejected" messages. What do those messages mean? And How do I solve them?
Maybe this could help you: … 02461.html
Rename your ~/.Xauthority to anything and start again.
With delight the world's fettered.With directed thought it's examined.
Through the abandoning of craving is there said to be Unbinding.
SN 1109
I read that, and deleted the file. So, it would have worked the first time I tried it, if there was a DE.
Well, it loses that message, but prints another, something like:
Failed to read: session.session0.<something>
Failed to read: session.session0.<somethingelse>
Failed to read: session.session0.<multipleotherthings>
Setting default value
Warning: Failed to set locale, reverting to "C"
I read up on locales, and, in xorg.conf, changed
Option "XkbLayout" ""
Option "XkbLayout" "us",
I also suspect that the "GCC locale support" or something similar has soured.
I also found thisin the "fluxbox developers zone" … source.php but cannot make heads or tails of it, I'm not even sure if it is useful:
00054 I18n::I18n():m_multibyte(false), m_catalog_fd((nl_catd)(-1)) {
00055 #ifdef HAVE_SETLOCALE
00056 //make sure we don't get 0 to m_locale string
00057 char *temp = setlocale(LC_ALL, "");
00058 m_locale = ( temp ? temp : "");
00059 if (m_locale.size() == 0) {
00060 cerr<<"Warning: Failed to set locale, reverting to "C""<<endl;
00061 #endif // HAVE_SETLOCALE
00063 m_locale = "C";
Here is someone who solved it: … ocale.html
Maybe it works for you too.
With delight the world's fettered.With directed thought it's examined.
Through the abandoning of craving is there said to be Unbinding.
SN 1109
Actually, that's where I got some from. I have yet to wade through the whole thread, I am working on it. Good to know I'm going in the right direction.
Thanks for all the help you're giving, really.
Have you installed the necessary extra "module" for your graphics? Xorg is now modularized, thus you have to download the bits and pieces for your gfx card separately. Try to test if the beast works with only using a default vesa driver.
Behind every great fortune lies a great crime.
No, I haven't installed any such modules, except an fbdev and nv and vga from an earlier Xorg error. O'm going through the xorg7 wiki page and doing it now. Ill post what happens.
If it says "failed to read :session.session0.iconbar.whatever", or _session0.toolbar._ It would be a problem with fluxbox and not X?
I assume that the toolbar and menu are part of fluxbox and not xorg. I'll try another DE and see what happens. I'm looking at "enlightenment" right now. Whatever, worth a shot.
edit: Wait dammit, I was in ubuntu. Now that doesn't work either. Disregard thw post.
Anyway, how useful would the ubuntu xorg.conf be when editing the Arch xorg.conf? They are different distros, but I can't see how that would matter so much. I guess that references to modules and other files would differ, while hardware would often match.
Okay, new problem. gives an
(EE) Failed to initialize GLX extention (compatible NVIDIA X driver not found)
and shuts X automatically. On the xorg website (and on the screen) it says to have the current version, which is 7.1, and I have 7.0. I'll fix that first, then worry about the NVIDIA driver. However, pacman's newest version is 7.0, so everyone else has 7.0, and it works. So, it should work with me as well. I don't have a queer built-from-parts box. Not new, or fast, but not dated yet.
On ubuntu, X worked fine without any Nvidia driver, I installed that later. Why is it required here?
It is not that X on arch requires nvidia binary drivers - it doesent.
X should work(on my comp it works) with either open source nvidia driver(nv) or with vesa as well.
Okay, Nvidia out, vesa in.
I did pacman -R to nvidia and reinstalled vesa, then commented out "Load glx" in xorg.conf and uncommented the "DRI" section. There is no EE anymore, but the same screen showing:
version, date, kernel etc.
Module leader present
(==) Log file: /var/log/xorg.0.log Time: blah
(==) Using config file: /etc/X11/xorg.conf
<here's where the "glx" error was previously, not there anymore>
xaiting for X server to shut down... da da da da da da da
refcount is 2, should be 1; fixing.
Error's gone, but still doesn't work. It seems as if there's a black cloud over my X. Is it this awful for everybody?
More importantly, What to do now?
Assuming that the last screen was normal, and just caused by not having a WM, I reinstalled fluxbox. Here goes.
Without any WM, startx shows the screen in the last post.
With fluxbox it gives the "Failed to readsession.screen0/setting default value" error.
I guess I'll have to assume the screen in the last post is fine, as it shows no errors, and the problem is with the session.screen0. Google, here I come!
Okay, session.screen0 means it is not reading the .fluxbox/init file effectively and . Also, I found an error similar to mine with a BBscreen at the end. My box has no BBscreen error, probably because I end the process with Ctrl+C too early. I'll let it run and post what happens.
edit again:
all the "Failed to reads" are values that are not set in the init file. Should I set these values by hand? It is the screen0.iconbar.usePixmap which hangs the process.
I replaced init with the sample init from … ial_Set-up
and it gave me a new set of unread value, corresponding to the new init file. Now I know that the init file is where the problem resides. Any help here? I have no clue how to work with this.
I'll try enlightenment and see what the issues are, now that X seems to be in the clear.
doing "startx && starte16" gives the standard screen, I Ctrl+C it and enlightenment pops up talking about a "segfault" and reporting bugs etc.
At the moment, I just want a bloody desktop that works. Any ideas?
Is there a "FreeFonts" package or something similar I can get off of pacman?
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