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I have a problem with grub in stage 1,
GRUB loading..
Welcome to GRUB!Attempting to decrypt master key...
Enter passphrase for hd0,msdos1 (<id>):
the luks passphrase is in qwerty.
I read: … VM_on_LUKS
Add the keyboard, keymap and encrypt hooks to mkinitcpio.conf. If the default US keymap is fine for you, you can omit the keymap hook.
HOOKS=(base udev autodetect keyboard keymap consolefont modconf block encrypt lvm2 filesystems fsck)
Adds the specified keymap(s) from /etc/vconsole.conf to the initramfs. If you use system encryption, especially full disk encryption, make sure you add it before the encrypt hook.
I also try:
Add 40_custom and 50_keymap like this: … ard_layout
Use grub layouts like this:
How to resolve this problem?
Thanks for your help.
Last edited by cassyb (2018-10-01 19:46:25)
I install grub for BIOS systems only.
So I change the command line:
# grub-mkimage -c early-grub.cfg -o grubx64.efi -O x86_64-efi -m memdisk.tar diskfilter cryptodisk luks gcry_rijndael gcry_sha256 ext2 memdisk tar at_keyboard keylayouts configfile
for i386-pc
# grub-mkimage -c early-grub.cfg -o initramfs-linux-gkb.img -O i386-pc -m memdisk.tar gzio part_msdos cryptodisk luks gcry_rijndael gcry_rijndael gcry_sha256 lvm ext2 memdisk tar at_keyboard keylayouts configfile
So now i have initramfs-linux-gkb.img, I install grub for BIOS systems only like the wiki … ricks#BIOS
But it doesn't work, the keyboard is in qwerty.
Last edited by cassyb (2018-10-01 19:41:38)
I suspect you need to use grub-bios-setup to install initramfs-linux-gkb.img.
grub-bios-setup -c initramfs-linux-gkb.img /dev/sdX
It needs someone with more familiarity with BIOS grub to check this suggestion.
In the output of grub-install, I found default command line of grub-mkimage and grub-bios-setup
grub-mkimage --directory '/usr/lib/grub/i386-pc' --prefix '(lvmid/INkMrY-6iiQ-7p8R-osm2-q1vM-GEK1-frMgq6/lczLrE-4M54-eliW-zk9h-lM9i-Q5oi-Hlxf2z)/boot/grub' --output '/boot/grub/i386-pc/core.img' --format 'i386-pc' --compression 'auto' --config '/boot/grub/i386-pc/load.cfg' 'ext2' 'lvm' 'cryptodisk' 'luks' 'gcry_rijndael' 'gcry_rijndael' 'gcry_sha256' 'part_msdos' 'biosdisk'
grub-bios-setup --verbose --directory='/boot/grub/i386-pc' --device-map='/boot/grub/' '/dev/sdc'
I made a script, adding memdisk and custom config file load.cfg
/usr/bin/grub-mkimage --verbose --directory '/usr/lib/grub/i386-pc' --prefix '(lvmid/INkMrY-6iiQ-7p8R-osm2-q1vM-GEK1-frMgq6/lczLrE-4M54-eliW-zk9h-lM9i-Q5oi-Hlxf2z)/boot/grub' --output '/boot/grub/i386-pc/core.img' --format 'i386-pc' --compression 'auto' --config '/home/user/load.cfg' --memdisk '/home/user/memdisk.tar' 'ext2' 'lvm' 'cryptodisk' 'luks' 'gcry_rijndael' 'gcry_rijndael' 'gcry_sha256' 'part_msdos' 'biosdisk' 'memdisk' 'tar' 'at_keyboard' 'keylayouts' 'terminal'
/usr/bin/grub-bios-setup --verbose --directory='/boot/grub/i386-pc' --device-map='/boot/grub/' '/dev/sdc'
cat /home/user/load.cfg
cryptomount -u f9101829a15c4a9ba5bdb8517dd5500e
set root='lvmid/INkMrY-6iiQ-7p8R-osm2-q1vM-GEK1-frMgq6/lczLrE-4M54-eliW-zk9h-lM9i-Q5oi-Hlxf2z'
set prefix=($root)/boot/grub
3 differences with the wiki:
- I add 'terminal' in grub-mkimage command line, it's necessary for using terminal_input
- I add boot in the path of prefix
- And I remove
configfile grub.cfg
At this step, all works like default grub-install
I go step by step, in load.cfg, there is no:
terminal_input at_keyboard
keymap fr
When I add
terminal_input at_keyboard
without keymap
like this:
terminal_input at_keyboard
cryptomount -u f9101829a15c4a9ba5bdb8517dd5500e
set root='lvmid/INkMrY-6iiQ-7p8R-osm2-q1vM-GEK1-frMgq6/lczLrE-4M54-eliW-zk9h-lM9i-Q5oi-Hlxf2z'
set prefix=($root)/boot/grub
the laptop keyboard is unusable (enter key doesn't work, it's not in qwerty). I have to use a usb keyboard. I put passphrase in qwerty.
The passphrase is good, I see.
Slot 0 opened
And grub is blocked with a blinking cursor...
Last edited by cassyb (2018-10-14 04:36:09)