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I hadnt upgraded in a month or so, so ran the rounds using danimoths latest...had a libwnck conflict but finally got everything back installed. Now, compiz will not start.
XGL is starting fine, just no love with compiz. Here is the output:
compiz: SmcOpenConnection failed: Authentication Rejected, reason : None of the authentication protocols specified are supported and host-based authentication failed
compiz: glXBindTexImageEXT is missing
compiz: Failed to manage screen: 0
compiz: No managable screens found on display :1
gnome-window-decorator: Screen 0 on display ":1.0" already has a decoration manager; try using the --replace option to replace the current decoration manager.
from running this script
# Start compiz within gnome-session
if [ `ps -A | grep Xgl | wc -l` == "1" ]; then
DISPLAY=:1 LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/opt/mesa-xgl-cvs/lib
compiz --replace gconf &
DISPLAY=:1 gnome-window-decorator &
DISPLAY=:1 setxkbmap -model pc105 -layout us -variant basic
any ideas?
Try this:
1) Get the latest cgwd file from
2) Compile
./configure --prefix=/usr
make install
3) Change the script to:
# Start compiz within gnome-session
# This script checks to see if XGL is running before starting compiz & gnome-window-decorator
if [ `ps -A | grep Xgl | wc -l` == "1" ]; then
DISPLAY=:1 LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/opt/mesa-xgl-cvs/lib/ compiz --replace gconf gconf-dump miniwin decoration transset wobbly fade minimize cube rotate zoom scale move resize place switcher trailfocus water &
DISPLAY=:1 cgwd &
thanks for your help. This did work perfectly for me. However, any version past .56 seems to make the, blank? No buttons, no words. But its there, you can grab it to move windows and whatnot. Any idea on that one? Ill go back to .56 for now, thanks again.
Same problem here ...
I solved it by compiling the latest:
compiz-plugins and
in that order using the instructions above (Gustavo).
Very important: Don't forget to delete
$ .cgwd
before you install cgwd_0.67.orig.tar.gz
have fun
thanks mehl..however i could not get compiz to compile right, it threw a makedepend error and a few others and stopped. I don't have time now to try it again, but do you by chance have the compiled forms hosted or know where they are hosted(compiling has NEVER been my cup of tea).
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