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If one sound playing, then other can not play, need first stop, then other sound can play.
How play 2 sounds at same time?
Offline … nd_at_once:
"Put the following lines into /etc/asound.conf."
But not is on my computer /etc/asound.conf file.
But not is on my computer /etc/asound.conf file.
Just make a file called asound.conf in /etc/ and put the needed text in it.
In all recent alsa drivers you no longer need an asound.conf file and it is recomended that you delete this file if you have it, you only need to make sure your programs use the alsa sound system (rather than oss which is enabled by default). If you are using a sound daemon (such as arts) you can set the default sound system to alsa in the control center. Some programs aren't alsa compatible, but can use aoss such as firefox. put the following script in /usr/bin/firefox to get it working nicely with other programs:
export MOZILLA_LAUNCHER=firefox
aoss /opt/mozilla/bin/firefox "$@"
If you are not using a sound daemon, sdl games can be set by putting the following script in /etc/profile.d/
export SDL_AUDIODRIVER="alsa"
make sure to make scripts executable with 'chmod +x /path/to/file' and use 'source /etc/profile' to reset sdl audiodriver.
Did I rihgt understand, that first need put following script in /etc/profile.d/sdl.shCode:
export SDL_AUDIODRIVER="alsa"
Then in terminal write: 'chmod +x /etc/profile.d/sdl.shCode' and write in console: 'source /etc/profile'?
Well I'd name the file '' not 'sdl.shCode', but you got the idea. That will work for sdl games such as lbreakout2 or frozen bubble, most multimedia programs (such as mplayer, xine xmms or audacious) can be configured in thier options menu. Again you could just have a sound daemon take care of that for all programs that are alsa compatible, if you are using a flash plugin I'd recomend configuring firefox as mentioned above, it does not work w/ alsa so you will need to use aoss (pacman -S alsa-oss if unsure)
I do not play games.
Not mixing some .exe, who using sound with Audacity.
Not mixing some .exe, who using sound with Audacity.
What do you mean?
Btw, most linux executables don't end in .exe
Thats a little trickier, you can try sweep instead. See … inuxIssues
compiling w/ portaudio19 may allow you to use audacity with alsa drivers. You can get portaudio19 in the AUR … s=0&SeB=nd
I have added 'alsa' to 'DAEMONS' and 'snd-oss snd-cs4236' to 'MODULES' in '/etc/rc.conf' file.
How make, that then other program using divice, Audacity play sound?
I try "rm /dev/dsp;ln -s /dev/dsp0 /dev/dsp #also try /dev/dsp1,2,etc.
chmod 666 /dev/dsp0", but get erorr about 'chmod:' and `/dev/dsp0'.
I also try 'aoss audacity', but not mixing sounds.
I create new file
#/etc/asound.conf start:
pcm.!default {
type plug
slave.pcm "dmixer"
pcm.dsp0 {
type plug
slave.pcm "dmixer"
pcm.dmixer {
type dmix
ipc_key 1024
slave {
pcm "hw:0,0"
period_time 0
period_size 1024
ipc_key_add_uid 0
buffer_size 8192
rate 44100
bindings {
0 0
1 1
ctl.dmixer {
type hw
card 0
And create new file '/etc/libao.conf', it content:
But not play two sound at once.
I make that say in ' … nd_at_once'.
Pages: 1