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#1 2019-02-04 19:14:04

Registered: 2015-09-30
Posts: 7

Backup as iso software suggestion like mx-snapshot

Does anyone know of any backup utilities that work similar to mx-snapshot?

For anyone interested, mx-snapshot, is a backup utility that's part of MX-Linux. It basically works like many backup tools, it takes your currently running system and creates an iso image which can be written onto a liveUSB to reinstall if something goes wrong. What sets it apart in my mind is the added ability to take all the software and settings from the root filesystem (/, /etc, /usr, /var, /boot/, and so on) and strips the user from /home, thereby creating a liveUSB that only includes the default settings for use akin to the original MX-Linux iso downloaded from sourceforge.

I especially like that aspect of their backup utility because I keep my /home on its own partition and never need to backup my OS along with all my files and folders, which are roughly 800±GiB. Obviously backing all that up as an iso would create an ungodly huge file which would also take forever to write to a liveUSB. Finding another backup utility that includes this feature has been frustratingly difficult due to 'keyword hell'. There's so many backup utilities so I'd love any advice you have for finding something similar for use with Arch.

Since I love that backup utility I wish there was a way to bring it over to Arch. I think many people would agree with me regarding the ease and usefulness of this particular backup tool. I've been considering attempting to port mx-snapshot over to Arch but I'm nowhere near skilled enough to create a package for the AUR myself. If I get better at coding and forking I'd take on the challenge but sadly that's just a pipedream.

Thanks a lot!

I'm going to add reference links here at the bottom. If you're not interested in them, don't read any further. I can't figure out how to hide these references or else I would have.
You can learn more about this backup utility here: … o-snapshot
You can also view it on github here:
And you can learn about the other special tools amd features of MX-Linux here:
And finally, here's MX-Linux's homepage for much more info about this great Debian-based distro without systemd:


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