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Often I'm getting hard lock-ups while reading dvd/cds with small scratches on them.
The funny thing is that xp seems to read them fine.
Anyone else have this problem?
What application/desktop environment? And can you SSH in from another box and terminate X?
(Most "hard freezes" with X running are actually X locking up and not exiting. I'm still looking for a way to make the system auto-kill unresponsive applications...)
i dont have another box to shell into from
it happens when i watch some dvds(mplayer, xine), other times it happens when im copying info off a dvd(terminal, dvdrip).
its happens in kde, gnome, as well as ratpoison
my system seems most susceptible while ripping dvds, i get hard freezes almost everytime.
whats weird is that i can catch it sometimes. If my cdrom starts spinning madly, i have around 10seconds to kill the app to save X from locking
My comp is an HP, but i recall having a laptop with the same problem
what kindof ideas do you have to autokill things?
do u have DMA turned on?
I'm still looking for a way to make the system auto-kill unresponsive applications.
VeryNice , which is in aur, has that functionality.
Thank you!
Edit: eh, would it work with X? X doesn't go runaway when it freezes, it just becomes unresponsive AFAIK.
detto: Yes, DMA is turned on