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#1 2019-03-03 14:58:56

From: Kiev, Ukraine
Registered: 2016-11-29
Posts: 17

[SOLVED] EVE online crashes on a click in the space


I have EVE Online installed as from the tutorial.

First - had an error with the grpc/roots.pem - but solved it by install grpc from AUR and creating a symlink from /usr/share/grpc/roots.pem /usr/local/share/grpc/roots.pem.

Next issue was with the Steam (have a client installed) - solved it by creating the $HOME/Downloads/evelauncher/steam_appid.txt with the EVE's 8500 ID.

And now - all "works" - I can log in, can play just - any click on the empty space i.e. not inside any chat, menu item etc - kills the game totally...

The only messages I see are displayed during the game launch - not when its crashes:

$ ./ 
QObject::startTimer: Timers can only be used with threads started with QThread
[0303/] Failed to open file: /tmp/.gle5kgX1 (deleted)
  Error: No such file or directory
[0303/163150.978921:WARNING:resource_bundle_qt.cpp(115)] locale_file_path.empty() for locale 
Installed Qt WebEngine locales directory not found at location /home/setevoy/Downloads/evelauncher/translations/qtwebengine_locales. Trying application directory...
Qt WebEngine locales directory not found at location /home/setevoy/Downloads/evelauncher/qtwebengine_locales. Trying fallback directory... Translations MAY NOT not be correct.
Path override failed for key ui::DIR_LOCALES and path '/home/setevoy/.QtWebEngineProcess'
[0303/163150.995121:WARNING:resource_bundle_qt.cpp(115)] locale_file_path.empty() for locale 
[9172:9172:0303/] Lost UI shared context.

But hey doesn't look like could have an impact on the already running game and googling about them doesn't give any useful info.

From this post - I checked my Wine - it's in WinXP mode, I have the lib32-mesa installed, and Vulkan's vulkan-icd-loader and lib32-vulkan-icd-loader.

I'm using:

$ wine --version
wine-4.1 (Staging)

(the Staging version because of World of Tanks needs it to play)


$ pacman -Qi nvidia
Name            : nvidia
Version         : 418.43-4

Anything else I can try here?

Last edited by setevoy (2019-03-04 16:06:17)


#2 2019-03-04 13:49:11

Registered: 2018-02-13
Posts: 112

Re: [SOLVED] EVE online crashes on a click in the space

@setevoy, better to use Windows Native Launcher instead of Linux Native. Just install EVE in the same WINEPREFIX as your World Of Tanks as you say it is running ok and run it.
I'm running both games: WoT and EVE on my Arch without any issues, for best performance and look install dxvk with winetricks and run EVE in DX11 mode instead of DX9
PS: I'm not using Wine Staging and WoT works perfect


#3 2019-03-04 16:05:16

From: Kiev, Ukraine
Registered: 2016-11-29
Posts: 17

Re: [SOLVED] EVE online crashes on a click in the space

Thank you, @sincomil!
It works like a charm :-)
No need in special Linux build at all.


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