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So I just recently installed Arch for the third time (one issue I ran into I just posted in the Pacman area). Perhaps its something I am doing incorrect...
I get through the installation without a hitch, the base packages all install okay. Now I found the installation guide provided by Cactus to see if maybe my install method was incorrect. So, following the guide, once I get into my new installation, I upgrade via Pacman (like I said, my issue with this is in the Pacman area), then do a
to make sure I am using udev with the 2.6 kernel and not devfs.
Now, that command gives me a strange output I've never seen:
migrate-udev: device null zero
or something to that effect (sorry I'm at work now). When I type
to verify if all is well with udev I get
-bash: udev: command not found
I verified the MD5 of my image and that verifies correct, so does the CD because I verified the burn. Could it be something from the Pacman upgrade?
** Sorry about all the code, I'm not up on all the forum html tags :-/
There is no binary called udev. Try start_udev
Okay, well that makes me feel "somewhat better". The reason I noticed was because following the install guide by Cactus, which although it was for 0.7 should be pretty much the same for 0.7.2, he stated to type "udev" to determine if udev was properly setup and then proceed to remove devfs.
Udev seems to be okay, all my devices are stated properly...just something odd that after I did an update, I rebooted, my NIC wouldn't come up, so I rebooted again, it had to do filesystem checks on all my partitions, then was okay. Maybe I'm just retarded, I dunno.
Thanks for the help
0.7.2 should setup udev by default.
as for your nic, it wont ever have a file in /dev/
The official, up-to-date, installation guide for 0.7.2 is here, btw.
Thanks a lot, sorry for being a newb...I never experienced this with Slackware.
Just another opportunity to learn.
Pages: 1