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blockbar gets its functionality from shared objects called modules. There are currently two types of modules - block, and render.
Block modules add new types of blocks. They tell blockbar what to render, what happens when a block is clicked, etc. Blockbar comes with a legacy module, which adds blocks that are similar to i3blocks', and a subblocks module, which adds blocks that can display multiple buttons like these:
There's some documentation on writing modules here.
blockbar can be controlled with the bbc command. bbc can:
- create and remove blocks
- change blocks' properties (eg padding, position, etc)
- change the bar's settings (eg height, background color, etc)
- load and unload modules
as well as a few other things. bbc can do all of this without needing to restart the bar. A full list of bbc commands can be found in the man page, or by using zsh autocompletion.
Change bar colors using bbc with pywal without restarting the bar
Move center blocks when overlapping left/right side
Graph module for memory usage, cpu usage, temperatures, etc
Good stuff
Thank you