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I'm trying to work out some kinks in gnome-volume-manager0--namely, that I cannot unmount disks as a regular user. Everything I have found says that a user must be a member of the plugdev group for such things to work, so I looked around and found that I should be able to add myself to the plugdev groups like so:
usermod -G plugdev isez2001
But upon giving this command, I receive an error saying that the plugdev group is unknown.
Do I have to create the plugdev group myself? If so, why? It really seems like something that should be made to just work.
We use the storage group for this, we don't have plugdev.
Alright, I'm a member of the storage group already.
Upon further investigation, I find that my USB flash drive is autmounted in /media under the group "root," and my DVD drive automounts under the group "-1".
I am unable to unmount either of these as a normal user.
Is there something I should do that will make disks mount under the storage group?