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#1 2006-09-04 22:13:58

Registered: 2006-02-10
Posts: 386

HELP! to recover a base system

Hello all,

I did something stupid and lost my Arch system.

I did a 'pacman -Syu' but missed the 'lilo' part before powering off the
system. Next thing I know I couldn't boot the system any more. I then
made another mistake, one I got used to during my old Slack days: I
boot up a Slax live CD and put 'slax root=/dev/hda2' pass the kernel.

I don't know what happens then but my system is gone. When I log in,
there is no /etc/lilo.conf and no /sbin/lilo.


Now my question is: is there an easy way to simply recover all the
base packages? I do have a 0.7.1 base ISO lying around. Only if I can
recover with all the package on it and do an pacman Syu again.



#2 2006-09-05 00:58:45

From: Denmark
Registered: 2005-11-02
Posts: 157

Re: HELP! to recover a base system

Boot from a live cd and chroot into the existing system on your hard drive. After that you ought to be able to either recover what's needed or install/reinstall the packages that is either mising or broken. Personally I prefer grub rather than lilo, your particular case being one of the reasons.

I made it long
as I lacked the time to make it short...


#3 2006-09-05 11:28:59

Registered: 2006-02-10
Posts: 386

Re: HELP! to recover a base system

OK. I failed to mention that after I did what I did, my system sorta changed back to the previous distro on the harddriver: don't ask me how it happend. But when I booted with 'slax root=/dev/hda2', it says Frugalware and all the /etc/pacman/ stuff looks Frugalware to me.

How can I recover the whole base system? Can I do it with any live CD at all?


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