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Pages: 1
Hey, this isn't really the traditional programming thread when I ask questions or soo ..
It's more like, I'm bored and looking to type a new neat little program in bash. But I'm all out of ideas ...
Preferably it's something useful for a common majority arch users.
Preferred categories
+ Laptop (general, not like blahblah for toshiba-121890-... )
+ Maintenance
+ Some nifty script, like I recently wrote a small script to list wireless nets and associate with them.
How about a script to echo whatever text you give it in morse code using the bell?
Just an idea that's been floating in my head lately.
How about something that hasn't been done before?
how about a cli system monitor suitable for being small and unobtrusive in a wmii column?
here's a start:
while true;do clear;echo "==========="; cat /proc/acpi/thermal_zone/THM0/temperature | awk '{ printf "CPU Temp "; printf $2 }' ; echo -e "n"; cat sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/scaling_cur_freq; echo "==========="; sleep 1;done
Pages: 1