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While installing arch linux, I tried to run the pacstarp /mnt base command.
At first, it downloaded some files but after it encounters "Linux-5.2.13.arch1-1-x86_64.pkg.tar.xz" it just stops at 95% and then goes on trying all the mirrors but none of them work.
After that, all the files fail with the same error
full output:
Failed retrieving file Linux-5.2.13.arch1-1-x86_64.pkg.tar.xz from mirror.mi.jn/host : Failed writing body(216!= 1378)
So, it seems like the first time it failed due to some other reasons and every other time I tried, I forgot to mount the /mnt into the /dev/sda1. *A big facepalm moment*
"Failed writing body" This error comes when the disk might be full!
Last edited by ashawe (2019-09-09 20:08:38)