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I also use C# at work. It's not bad at all, actually. Very rapid development.
I believe C# has an advantage over Python, speedwise.
As a language I find Python very elegant.
(And just because I already saw someone else mentioning it - Perl stinks. Sorry, it does. Really.)
boo and IronPython are for windows.
hmm, you can create a new boo project in monodevelop, so I guess boo will run on linux too
Boo is also the reasing I can't get the new version of monodevelop compiled. (monodevelop is a rather good ide for c# imho)
I'm programming in c# and gtk# for about a week now, and I must say I like it. No hassle with memory management like in c/c++...
The major disadvantage is that there is not that much documentation around for c# and especially gtk# yet...
Also, I don't know about the speed and memory usage of c# applications. The speed of java apps is ok, but the memory consumption is horrible. I don't know how that is in c# apps.
C, PERL and PHP. Thats what I know and love.
tacos tacos tacos
/me waits for cactus to come
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ironpython screencast/interview.
hmm, the debugging function in monodevelop is disabled, I think that's because the mono debugger is only available in the svn version of mono, not in the stable branch. This makes mono less attractive, a debugger could be welcome
would be nice to get gfastfile working .... having problems running gtk# stuff under Arch ;-S
Mr Green