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Hi all. I've set GRUB_ENABLE_CRYPTODISK=y and am prompted to enter the passphrase for my encrypted /boot partition. Is there any way I can use a USB to hold a keyfile in this instance to avoid entering the password manually? I can't find any literature on whether this is possible at such an early stage.
It's not possible with Grub. It will ask for passphrase from keyboard no matter what. So for "USB to hold a keyfile" you would need a USB that pretends to be a keyboard and sends key events.
Or migrate GRUB and /boot to USB altogether (unencrypted) and then do something fancy you like in Initramfs - for me, it's ask passphrase for encrypted keyfiles, which in turn unlock internal drives.
That's pretty much what I expected. No matter, putting one passphrase in isn't much of a hardship.
Pages: 1