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Hello! Totality sizes repo comunity?? 42gb??
Were you planning to install the entire repo?
Nothing is too wonderful to be true, if it be consistent with the laws of nature -- Michael Faraday
Sometimes it is the people no one can imagine anything of who do the things no one can imagine. -- Alan Turing
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A full mirror is over 50GB in size
Quite a bit over, I'd say:
$ expac -S "%r %m" | awk '// { size[$1]+=$2;} END { for (repo in size) { printf "%s: %sGiB\n", repo, size[repo] / (1024 * 1024 * 1024); }}'
extra: 29.9921GiB
core: 2.51163GiB
community: 99.9306GiB
Though these are *installed* sizes.
Downloaded size - and storage size on the mirror - is far far less (for these three repos):
$ expac -S "%r %k" | awk '// { size[$1]+=$2;} END { for (repo in size) { printf "%s: %sGiB\n", repo, size[repo] / (1024*1024*1024); }}'
extra: 7.81633GiB
core: 0.599827GiB
community: 28.8422GiB
I gather the 50GB number is including multilib and the various testing repos.
Last edited by Trilby (2020-01-07 03:10:05)
"UNIX is simple and coherent" - Dennis Ritchie; "GNU's Not Unix" - Richard Stallman
I gather the 50GB number is including multilib and the various testing repos.
Yes, mirrors have to host all of the official repos.
slithery@black:/mnt/data/repo$ du -h --max-depth=2
167M ./community/os
167M ./community
116K ./community-staging/os
116K ./community-staging
2.7M ./community-testing/os
2.7M ./community-testing
6.5M ./core/os
6.5M ./core
74M ./extra/os
74M ./extra
216K ./gnome-unstable/os
216K ./gnome-unstable
5.2G ./iso/archboot
1.3G ./iso/2019.09.01
1.4G ./iso/2019.10.01
1.4G ./iso/2019.11.01
1.4G ./iso/2019.12.01
11G ./iso
3.9M ./kde-unstable/os
3.9M ./kde-unstable
4.4M ./multilib/os
4.4M ./multilib
32K ./multilib-staging/os
32K ./multilib-staging
128K ./multilib-testing/os
128K ./multilib-testing
33G ./pool/community
9.7G ./pool/packages
43G ./pool
88K ./staging/os
88K ./staging
1.5M ./testing/os
1.5M ./testing
8.0K ./.~tmp~
53G .
[community] is 33G
Slitery ... that's clearly not right. Just take a single example of tensorflow-cuda which is in [community]; the package itself is 228MiB. How can your entire [community] directory be on 167M?
EDIT: ooh, nevermind, it's under "pool"
Last edited by Trilby (2020-01-07 03:27:58)
"UNIX is simple and coherent" - Dennis Ritchie; "GNU's Not Unix" - Richard Stallman
38G /mnt/datos_2/arch_mirror
Core + extras + comunity
Pages: 1