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#1 2020-01-10 10:51:31

Registered: 2019-07-22
Posts: 45

NetworkManager ESTAB an udp connection to gateway and keeps it open

NetworkManager establishes and udp connection to my router and keeps it constantly open.

# watch 'ss -tunarp | column -t --output-separator "|"'
udp  |ESTAB     |0     |0     |machine%wlan0:68|_gateway:67                                          |users:(("NetworkManager",pid=720,fd=23))|            |

Is this the expected behaviour?

I have wiresharked the traffic with the following display rule:

ip.addr== && udp.port==67

Wireshark gives me tons of "Standard query 0xXXXX PTR". That doesn't make much sense to me. None of my software is supposed to do reverse lookups all the time (continuously).

My tech-paranoia says: that would be a wonderful way to exfiltrate data, i.e. keystrokes.

In case you use Networkmanager - do you observe similar traffic?

edit: must have made a mistake...

wireshark and

ip.addr== && udp.port==53

gives me tons of traffic, when I change the filter to


I see none.

Last edited by klapauzius (2020-01-10 12:13:05)


#2 2020-01-10 11:37:23

Registered: 2019-07-22
Posts: 45

Re: NetworkManager ESTAB an udp connection to gateway and keeps it open

When I omit the -r flag for ss

# watch 'ss -tunap | column -t --output-separator "|"'

traffic is reduced significantly. Which makes sense.

However, why is ss telling me networkmanager has an ESTAB connection with my router?

Last edited by klapauzius (2020-01-10 12:38:57)


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