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I am in the process of installing Arch Linux on my laptop. I am booting Arch Linux from a USB, and have formatted the 2nd SSD on my
laptop exclusively for Linux, partitioned as follows:
/dev/sda1 512M. /efi............ mounted as /mnt/efi
/dev/sda2. 32G. / ............... mounted as /mnt
/dev/sda3. 32G. (Swap)
/dev/sda4. 401.3G. /home..... mounted as /mnt/home
After running the commands indicated on the install wiki, I issued the command:
arch-chroot /mnt
At this point I am unable to execute vi.
Looking in /usr/bin, (/mnt/usr/bin) vi is missing. Whereas, prior to executing ‘arch-chroot...’ vi is found in /usr/bin
After issuing the ‘arch-chroot’ command, the install instructions indicate a few files need to be edited, hence the need for vi.
Any insight, suggestions are appreciated.
Last edited by Chester (2020-01-13 21:03:43)
From the installation guide … l_packages
The base package does not include all tools from the live installation, so installing other packages may be necessary for a fully functional base system. In particular, consider installing:
a text editor,
...To install other packages or package groups, append the names to the pacstrap command above (space separated) or use pacman while chrooted into the new system. For comparison, packages available in the live system can be found in packages.x86_64.
Thank you McMillan.
pacstrap /mnt vi
Solved the issue
Please remember to mark your thread [SOLVED] (edit the title of your first post).