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when i start, i get a blank screen, with a bar at the top with nothing in it.
i searched around, and tried the following fix for .xinitrc:
exec startxfce4
sleep 2
exec xfce4-panel
but it didn't fix the problem for me.
alt+f2 still worked, so i opened a terminal window. when i run xfce4-panel manually, i get a "Illegal instruction"
i used ABS to recompile the package, but it didn't fix the problem
I think the first thing to do is to look at why does the panel not start at all.
What's the output of
which xfce4-panel
(run it in a terminal)?
For me it''s /opt/xfce4/bin/xfce4-panel
And also: You say you got an illegal instruction. Can you post us the full output?
try alt-f2 -> /opt/xfce4/bin/xfdesktop
if it doesnt do anything, alt-f2 -> xterm, and type /opt/xfce4/bin/xfdesktop and see the output.
remember that /opt/xfce4/bin is not in the $PATH.
don't i look like an ass...i went to reinstall xfce4 and tried to reproduce the problem...
well it worked.
it didn't redownload anything either, so packages weren't updated.
maybe i forgot to do something stupid like login/logout or source /etc/profile.