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The documentation of libalpm is seriously outdated
I think we should regenerate it.
Toofishes is retired from Arch Linux and no longer contributes to pacman. That site isn't an official hosting site.
Managing AUR repos The Right Way -- aurpublish (now a standalone tool)
Oh I see. I'll try to use doxygen to generate one instead.
I built it:
This is just as unofficial as the other link, but, I am active these days and have vague intentions to keep it up to date. Actually, I thought I had it already, but it turns out it got lost during the server move and decommissioning of soyuz, so I had to go remember how the doxygen docs were created so I could rebuild it.
Managing AUR repos The Right Way -- aurpublish (now a standalone tool)
Ah thanks.
Eh.. I think your documentation is outdated too (for example the return type of alpm_db_search have been changed to alpm_list_t*). So I generated one anyways:
Wrong, my documentation is "too new", not "too old", since I built from git and it actually switched from alpm_list_t to int, and added a third parameter, alpm_list_t **ret
Managing AUR repos The Right Way -- aurpublish (now a standalone tool)
Ah. I see. Thanks and sorry for the late reply.
Pages: 1