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I am installing archlinux after 2 years, the same manual, but now I am getting this error
bash: mkinitcpio: command not found
I installed mkinitcpio and after running:
mkinitcpio -p linux
I am getting this error:
==> ERROR: Failed to load preset: `/etc/mkinitcpio.d/linux.preset'
How to solve it, is anything new in archlinux installation using mkinitcpio?
I am installing archlinux after 2 years, the same manual
Which guide are you using? The official Installation Guide changes regularly.
Looks like you haven't installed a kernel... … l_packages
They forget to announce now during the fresh installation some packages aren't included with base and base-devel
So now you have to add nano, linux or linux-lts, downgrade glibc because the latest version provokes crashes with opera, mkinitcpio.
They forget to announce now during the fresh installation some packages aren't included with base and base-devel
So now you have to add nano, linux or linux-lts, downgrade glibc because the latest version provokes crashes with opera, mkinitcpio.
It was announced and you do NOT have to downgrade glibc. Just no.
They forget to announce now during the fresh installation some packages aren't included with base and base-devel
So now you have to add nano
gross, worst editor ever, 0/10 would not recommend shoving down my throat at installation time
, linux or linux-lts
Mentioned here: … l_packages
downgrade glibc because the latest version provokes crashes with opera,
This is completely and utterly unrelated to any changes for the base/base-devel package sets, so, uh...
WHY do you think you need to downgrade glibc? You will break applications that are built against the current glibc, and link to symbols introduced in the current glibc.*
Also, why are people actually using opera for real?
Not needed, except as a correctly declared dependency of the linux kernel, so if you installed the kernel then mkinitcpio is installed too, and if you did not install a kernel, whatever do you think mkinitcpio would do???
* -- By sheer coincidental luck, no new symbols were added in glibc 2.31, as reported by `nm --with-symbol-versions -D /usr/lib/ | grep GLIBC_2.31`, but in most versions of glibc, you can expect stuff to break.
Managing AUR repos The Right Way -- aurpublish (now a standalone tool)
Pages: 1