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When I log out from Gnome 3 and log back in again, all the windows are closed. Same thing happens if I suspend to disk (hibernate). For suspending to disk, I'm using
systemctl hibernate
Following the Wiki Article on Power Management / Suspend & Hibernate I've set up the "resume" boot option using Grub to ensure 'resume=uuid-of-my-swap-partition` is added and reconfigured Grub, then added the "resume" hook to "mkinitcpio.conf"
HOOKS=(base udev autodetect modconf block filesystems keyboard fsck resume)
and then I rebuilt the image with "mkinitcpio -p linux". I can find no failures in `journalctl -b`, so I think the hibernation is working, and since both Log Out and `sytsemctl hibernate` lead to all windows in Gnome 3 shell being closed, I think the issue is in saving the Gnome 3 session.
I used the "dconf-editor" and set the option gnome_autosave_session to "True", but still, when I log out of Gnome or suspend to disk, all windows and applications are closed. However, when I suspend to RAM using the Gnome 3 "suspend" button, after logging in, all windows and applications are still there, so the session must have been saved.
How to make sure the Gnome 3 session is saved after logging out and suspending to disk?
Last edited by tomislavski (2020-04-15 09:47:21)