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Hi Quake2 from aur is working pretty much flawless here, however I'm kind of having some minor issues that aren't really important in gameplay but that I'd still like to solve:
I have a spanish keyboard, but the key besides the 1, that shows the console simply isn't mapped by quake, so I'm using F1, but it's quite... off. ¿is there a way to remap that key while I'm running quake2 and heve it back to normality when I close it? I think it would be quite simple, just a thing of using xmodmap in the init script (I launch quake2 from a script because you need to be placed in the directory of the game to launch it, or else it doesn't find the game files, so my script right now all it does is to store the directory you are in in a variable, switch to /opt/quake2, run sdlquake2 and then it goes back to the previous folder, I could do the same with xmodmap, but I just don't know how to use it).
The other thing is that when I play with a fov greater than 90 the hand dessapears, which is kind of unconfortable since I'm used to it to see what weapon I'm using and to control the grenade launching time (in fact my shooting button switches the weapon to the center, shoots and makes it go back to the right), any option in config file/compiling time I can use to make the freaking hand appear?.
If you can solve my doubts I'd be really thankful
From what I recall, you can't make the hand reappear if you change the fov to >90. Back in my day, I'd play with an fov of... 120 I think? I got used to the hand being not there - takes a while, but you do get used to it.
Pages: 1