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I've made packages for AVR programming: the following
binutils-2.17 -> avr-binutils
gcc-4.1.1 -> avr-gcc
avr-libc-1.4.4 -> avr-libc
avrdude-5.1 -> avrdude
uisp-20050207 -> uisp
whith prefix (installed) at /opt/avr
I would like some help with the following:
In both `avr-binutils' and `avr-gcc' exists a file with the same name, this is libiberty.a.
if I execute
pacman -A avr-binutils-2.17-1.pkg.tar.gz
pacman -A avr-gcc-4.1.1.pkg.tar.gz
i get an error from pacman about the existence of the libiberty.a on the filesystem.
If i force the installation of avr-gcc everything works ok (i mean there is no problem with the installed software, it should work that way if you install it with the ../configure && make && make install way).
what should I do with that? I can't upload conflicting packages.
PATH and MANPATH must be updated to new ones after installation of packages, how can i do that?
[3] If i leave commented the line
in the /etc/makepkg.conf, the gcc compiles with warnings , which actually are errors for the final installed software. Actually the avr compiler executable is `avr-gcc' and
If I permit makepkg to strip the executables produced, there is a problem.
If I uncomment NOSTRIP but execute later through a `install' script (the usual pre_install , post_install) the strip command everything works fine.
The strip issue is because the binutils and gcc packages are configured with --target=avr (output are executables for avr programming).
Should I do something with that or leave it that way with manual stripping?
my stripping is:
# arg 1: the new package version
post_install() {
find /opt/avr -type d -name bin -exec find {} -type f ; | xargs strip > /dev/null 2>&1
Any ideas why that is happening?
PS. I deleted the --march=i686 from /etc/makepkg.conf , because the packages are configured with --target=avr
I forgot to mention, the depedency is
[avr-libc] from [avr-gcc] and [avr-binutils]
[avr-gcc] from [avr-binutils]
[avrdue] from nothing
[uisp] from nothing
[1] Delete the conflicting file from avr-gcc. The dependency relationship with avr-binutils will ensure that the file is in place.
[2] This is done with a script in /etc/profile.d. Have a look at the mozille, gnome, kde, or other current examples to see how it works.
[2] lol i forgot the profile.d directory ! i was looking a way to parse the /etc/profile ......... (mercy)