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I was installing the latest version of Zoom and post that had hit the error while accessing some set of applications. The pacman log for the day, is available -
Any recommendation to resolve this issue?
It looks like there are several failed update attempts in that log. What was happening? Any error messages?
What's the output from `pacman -Q libffi` and `pacman -Qkk libffi`?
To cover some other bases, please update your link to provide your full pacman log.
EDIT: sorry, typo, there should have only been one -Q in the first pacman command: what version of libffi is installed?
Last edited by Trilby (2020-08-27 13:51:51)
"UNIX is simple and coherent" - Dennis Ritchie; "GNU's Not Unix" - Richard Stallman
$ pacman -Qq libffi
$ pacman -Qkk libffi
libffi: 23 total files, 0 altered files
So you have never once fully updated the system. You keep canceling the updates and doing other things. The kind of breakage you're seeing is both normal and expected, partial updates are unsupported. Update your entire system.
So you have never once fully updated the system. You keep canceling the updates and doing other things. The kind of breakage you're seeing is both normal and expected, partial updates are unsupported. Update your entire system.
Running a full system upgrade is halted at the following point,
$ sudo pacman -Syu
:: Synchronizing package databases...
core is up to date
extra is up to date
community is up to date
multilib is up to date
archlinuxfr is up to date
:: Starting full system upgrade...
:: Replace bind-tools with extra/bind? [Y/n] Y
:: Replace libwbclient with extra/smbclient? [Y/n] Y
resolving dependencies...
looking for conflicting packages...
:: xorg-fonts-alias-misc and xorg-fonts-alias are in conflict. Remove xorg-fonts-alias? [y/N] y
error: failed to prepare transaction (could not satisfy dependencies)
:: installing xorgproto (2020.1-1) breaks dependency 'xf86dgaproto' required by libxxf86dga
If you don't need libxxf86dga, get rid of it. If you do need it, update it. It's in the AUR.
Sorry I had a typo in first pacman command I requested. But we're past that now. The above recommendation should allow you to update your system. If it doesn't and there are other errors in an attempted upgrade - post the new errors. Do not just ignore failing upgrades.
Also, while the cause of this problem is now quite clear, you still didn't post your full pacman log. When asked for a complete log on these forums, you should provide the complete log, otherwise it makes it look like you're hiding something (e.g., you're not actually using arch linux, but rather some spin-off distro).
Last edited by Trilby (2020-08-27 13:56:42)
"UNIX is simple and coherent" - Dennis Ritchie; "GNU's Not Unix" - Richard Stallman
Sorry I had a typo in first pacman command I requested. But we're past that now. The above recommendation should allow you to update your system. If it doesn't and there are other errors in an attempted upgrade - post the new errors. Do not just ignore failing upgrades.
Also, while the cause of this problem is now quite clear, you still didn't post your full pacman log. When asked for a complete log on these forums, you should provide the complete log, otherwise it makes it look like you're hiding something (e.g., you're not actually using arch linux, but rather some spin-off distro).
I'm sorry. dpaste didn't allow for a complete pacman log. Please find the complete log here:
I did try updating the package libxxf86dga using yaourt but hit with the below error,
$ yaourt -U libxxf86dga
unable to read libxxf86dga.
loading packages...
error: 'libxxf86dga': could not find or read package
That's not how you update an AUR package. Please learn how the AUR works if you are to use it - and put aside helpers like yaourt until you understand what it's doing and how to fix problems properly.
Also, definitely get rid of the repo you are using - that is nothing but a source of breakage.
"UNIX is simple and coherent" - Dennis Ritchie; "GNU's Not Unix" - Richard Stallman