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Hi All,
I am returning to Arch after using Manjaro for over a year. The installation procedure has changed somewhat but I have now completed the install from a USB Stick and rebooted into it and logged in as root just fine. I used the latest version available Sept 2020.
I started by adding a new user and then went to add them to the sudoers list and the file does not exist. I then tried to install visudo using pacman and it could not find the target. At which point I noticed there is no network connection so am looking at fixing it now too (probably the service not started or what have you).
The pacstrap command was different than what I used to use, perhaps I need to use the old one I have.
New > pacstrap /mnt base linux linux-firmware
Old > pacstrap /mnt base base-devel
I did basically everything in the Wiki Guide except for the Initramfs step. Grub is working ok and also found my windows installation.
Did I miss a step? I am a little stuck on what to do next, I don't get why this standard and vital option would be missing when I followed the official guide in full.
Let me know if I can provide more information.
I neglected to setup a network manager so I have completed the install again. But the issue with sudoers is still present. I have gone through the installation wiki again and I feel like I covered everything, running through it now to be absolutely sure. Why would this be missing?
You missed to install sudo. It's in the eponymous package.
It's not part of base, because it's not a vital package for a Linux system.
You can always become root using su.
Last edited by schard (2020-09-18 21:38:46)
Inofficial first vice president of the Rust Evangelism Strike Force
Indeed I did! I was just coming back to post I'd fixed it. For some reason this is now part of the General Recommendations section now, despite it being a requirement. Thanks for your help.
Now I am working on getting KDE up and running along with network shares etc, mostly there now.
It's not a requirement. Many people run systems without sudo.
Please remember to mark your thread as solved by editing the first post and amending the topic title.
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Making lemonade from lemons since 2015.
Side note, you can install pkgfile and add to your ~/.bashrc (if you use bash):
source /usr/share/doc/pkgfile/command-not-found.bash
So it tells you what package haves the missing command when you call for it.
It's Wiki page:
Some example:
$ archive
archive may be found in the following packages:
extra/archivetools 3-2 /usr/bin/archive
extra/hylafax 6.0.7-3 /var/spool/hylafax/bin/archive
That should help you for future similar cases.
Pages: 1