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#1 2020-09-22 09:53:52

Registered: 2020-09-22
Posts: 8

[SOLVED] Problem opening postscript file with libspectre-based viewers

Postscript files (yes, I know that nowadays they are used very little) cannot be opened with any viewer using the libspectre library -which are all of them, practically.

However, they open perfectly with the old gv viewer or, even more basic, with the gs command specifying as device x11. This can be done with any version of Postscript, level2 or level3.

The same ps files open without problems in any viewer in another laptop with Debian, but not in Arch.

What can be the problem? Has the same thing happened to someone else?

As an example:

[principal@maloperend Artículos-Varios]$ zathura
**** Unable to open the initial device, quitting.
(libspectre) ghostscript reports: fatal internal error -100error: Rendering failed (page 4)

**** Unable to open the initial device, quitting.
(libspectre) ghostscript reports: fatal internal error -100error: Rendering failed (page 3)

Last edited by dulzamacis (2020-09-24 23:00:31)


#2 2020-09-22 13:11:54

Registered: 2014-07-10
Posts: 6

Re: [SOLVED] Problem opening postscript file with libspectre-based viewers

I have the same problem. In my case, I use evince and I get the following errors:

> evince document.eps
**** Unable to open the initial device, quitting.
(libspectre) ghostscript reports: fatal internal error -100**** Unable to open the initial device, quitting.
(libspectre) ghostscript reports: fatal internal error -100

The 'gs' command shows the document just fine.


#3 2020-09-24 22:38:54

Registered: 2020-09-22
Posts: 8

Re: [SOLVED] Problem opening postscript file with libspectre-based viewers

This issue has been solved (at least for me) by updating libspectre library to version 0.2.9-2.

Many thanks to the developers and maintainers of the distribution for their excellent work.

Thank you, very much


#4 2020-09-29 12:41:32

Registered: 2014-07-10
Posts: 6

Re: [SOLVED] Problem opening postscript file with libspectre-based viewers

And I can confirm that this issue has been solved for me as well smile


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