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#1 2020-09-28 08:29:35

Registered: 2020-09-28
Posts: 7

TexStudio hosted LanguageTool instance stopped working


This is my first message on this forum. Long time lurker have always found solutions here. This time I could not figure out, or I am just too lazy to get my hands dirty till the end... Anyway, if I need to post this elsewhere, please, let me know.

I have a small issue with LanguageTool and its integration with TexStudio. Essentially, TexStudio used to start the LanguageTool server and use the HTTP API correctly until something has broken and the LT instance does not starts anymore. Checking LT status I get:

which java: /usr/bin/java

JAVA: java
openjdk version "1.8.0_265"
OpenJDK Runtime Environment (build 1.8.0_265-b01)
OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM (build 25.265-b01, mixed mode)

Real-time checking is enabled.
Grammar checking is enabled.

Tries to start automatically.

LT current status: error
LT path " /usr/share/languagetool:/usr/share/java/languagetool/* " not found !

LT-URL: http://localhost:8081/v2/check


  • TexStudio: 3.0.1

  • Qt: 5.15.1 (compiled of 5.15.0)

  • LanguageTool: 5.0

TexStudio configuration is copied from here. I have tried suggestions from here and here. I suspect I upgraded something I shouldn't have to: as someone pointed out here, Qt 5 may break LT integration, but since the thread is a bit old I am not sure...

Does anyone have better pointers? I checked the paths I give in the config and files are there:

$ ls /usr/share/languagetool   COPYING.txt  org        testrules.bat  third-party-licenses


$ ls /usr/share/java/languagetool/
aho-corasick-double-array-trie.jar  jsr305.jar
animal-sniffer-annotations.jar      junit.jar
annotations.jar                     jwordsplitter.jar
bridj.jar                           language-detector.jar
catalan-pos-dict.jar                languagetool-commandline.jar
checker-qual.jar                    languagetool-core.jar
cjftransform.jar                    languagetool-core-tests.jar
commons-cli.jar                     languagetool-ga-dicts.jar
commons-codec.jar                   languagetool-gui-commons.jar
commons-collections4.jar            languagetool.jar
commons-csv.jar                     languagetool-server.jar
commons-io.jar                      languagetool-tools.jar
commons-lang3.jar                   listenablefuture.jar
commons-logging.jar                 logback-classic.jar
commons-pool2.jar                   logback-core.jar
commons-text.jar                    lucene-backward-codecs.jar
dx.jar                              lucene-core.jar
error_prone_annotations.jar         lucene-gosen-ipadic.jar
failureaccess.jar                   mariadb-java-client.jar
FastInfoset.jar                     morfologik-fsa-builders.jar
german-pos-dict.jar                 morfologik-fsa.jar
grpc-api.jar                        morfologik-speller.jar
grpc-context.jar                    morfologik-stemming.jar
grpc-core.jar                       morfologik-tools.jar
grpc-netty-shaded.jar               morfologik-ukrainian-lt.jar
grpc-protobuf.jar                   morphology-el.jar
grpc-protobuf-lite.jar              mybatis.jar
grpc-stub.jar                       opennlp-chunk-models.jar
gson.jar                            opennlp-postag-models.jar
guava.jar                           opennlp-tokenize-models.jar
hamcrest-core.jar                   opennlp-tools.jar
hanlp.jar                           openregex.jar
hppc.jar                            perfmark-api.jar
hunspell.jar                        protobuf-java.jar
icu4j.jar                           proto-google-common-protos.jar
indriya.jar                         segment.jar
istack-commons-runtime.jar          simpleclient_common.jar
j2objc-annotations.jar              simpleclient_guava.jar
jackson-annotations.jar             simpleclient_hotspot.jar
jackson-core.jar                    simpleclient_httpserver.jar
jackson-databind.jar                simpleclient.jar
java-jwt.jar                        slf4j-api.jar
javax.activation-api.jar            spanish-pos-dict.jar
javax.annotation-api.jar            stax-ex.jar
jaxb-api.jar                        trove4j.jar
jaxb-core.jar                       txw2.jar
jaxb-runtime.jar                    unit-api.jar
jcommander.jar                      uom-lib-common.jar

I would be very happy to provide all the necessary details to figure the problem out (as I would need LT to checkout my thesis).

Thanks a lot!


#2 2020-10-03 14:23:59

From: Alberta, Canada
Registered: 2011-09-04
Posts: 1,096

Re: TexStudio hosted LanguageTool instance stopped working

TexStudio used to start the LanguageTool server and use the HTTP API correctly until something has broken and the LT instance does not starts anymore.

Describe *how* this "LanguageTool" server is started and post/examine its startup log. Find out if you can start it manually and if you can reproduce the problem that way.


#3 2020-11-06 15:23:32

Registered: 2020-11-06
Posts: 1

Re: TexStudio hosted LanguageTool instance stopped working

As an workaround you can start the "Language Tool" on system start with:

systemctl enable languagetool


systemctl start languagetool

starts the "Language Tool" right away and TexStudio doesn't need to start the Language Tool because its already running on system start.

Hope this helps.


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