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I am in a position where I need to mount my fielsystem and edit a file in order to make my system runnable again.
I thought it would be relatively straightforward to boot from a USB, mount the drive and do what I need to do, but GRUB isn't finding anything on my USB.
I have tried a few methods, but most recently I have written a current arch iso ("archlinux-2020.10.01-x86_64.iso" from, to the USB via Rufus on a Windows machine. I'm using an MRB Partition scheme, and FAT32 File system.
When the target machine boots, I press 'c' at the GRUB menu to load the GRUB command line, then run 'ls' to list devices. There are four entries (hd0), (hd0,msdos1), (hd1), and (hd1,msdos1) which correspond to my standard filesystem, and my secondary hdd 'media' drive.
I would expect to see entries like (hd2), (hd2,msdos1) for the iso loaded USB.
I believe my hardware supports USB3, or at least the grid in the back has an icon for USB 3. I built the PC so it's possible that my case just has that symbol but my motherboard doesn't support it, but that's unlikely. In that case though, how would I find out if my USB slots are USB 3 compatible?
Last edited by hunchbackcat (2020-10-10 01:53:53)
Why not boot the USB directly?
I don’t get what you are trying to do...or why you choose that path, any actual reason?
Btw does GRUB needs to load a module to make USB3 visible, or USBs?
Edit: seems not
Last edited by GaKu999 (2020-10-10 01:44:30)
Ah, I didn't realize there was another way. It has been awhile since I had to do something like this.
Pressing F2 on startup and selecting the USB directly from the boot menu got me to where I need to be.
Thank you.
Pages: 1