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I run evolution in sandbox:
firejail --private=~/sandbox --apparmor evolution
after upgrade to version 3.38 evolution did not start with this command any longer (no permissions to start /usr/bin/bwrap).
i added firejails evolution.profile to ~/.config/firejail and added the line:
noblacklist /usr/bin/bwrap
and i could start evolution by firejail again. Now i had another issue:
If i try to open a mail or a contact i get the message, that a WebKitWebProcess has crashed ("Ein WebKitWebProcess ist während der Anzeige der Nachricht abgestürzt.")
I get this message even if running evolution without firejail.
Downgrade of evolution to 3.36.5 solves the problem.
Is it necessary, to run one sandbox in another?
How can i run or build evolution without bubblewrap? Or is running bubblewrap equal or better than running firejail?
What can cause the crash of WebKitWebProcess?
regards andreas
Last edited by a_manthey (2020-10-19 17:13:49)
Have the same Problem with only apparmor and no firejail.
Since 3.38 evolution uses bubblewrap to isolate the webkitgtk render processes.
I can run evolution with either apparmor disabled, or start evolution with WEBKIT_FORCE_SANDBOX=0.
Without evolution returns an bwrap: setting up uid map: Permission denied.
Maybe it's some incompatibility between bubblewrap and apparmor.
that solves the problem for me.
after starting evolution by this startscript:
firejail --private=~/sandbox --apparmor evolution
i can open emails, events and contacts without errors.
The custom evolution.profile for firejail is no longer necessary.
@columbarius: thanks for your hint
Last edited by a_manthey (2020-10-19 17:22:02)