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I've a separate issue ( which I think may be due to a kernel build parameter not being set in the default Arch Linux build so I'm looking to test building a custom kernel and have read the relevant wiki article ( … ild_System).
However, it doesn't really say what the general flow of performing a build is, i.e.
0. mkdir ~/build; cd ~/build
1. asp update linux
2. asp export linux
3. cd linux; vim PKGBUILD and edit pkgbase=linux to pkgbase=linux-custom
4. ...
For all those of you using abs what is your procedure for the simple task of pulling the Arch linux kernel in, then changing a config flag, then building?
The abs tool looks great but I'm a) new to making myt own custom kernel build, and b) not sure how abs maps to Git. For example, my ~/build dir is not a git dir yet apparently this is using git? How to I merge patches? How do I do a `git pull` for the latest kernel release? How do I instruct mkinitcpio -p linux to use my custom linux config? etc.
I think seeing somebody else's procedure for this would be tremendously helpful.
Last edited by miomio (2020-10-18 18:31:41)
Pages: 1