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Hi, I just encountered the problem that I have a lot of manually installed AUR Python packages, and some that are dependencies.
Since a new Python release breaks all of them, one needs to manually reinstall them, and I wanted to see in which order they need to be reinstalled.
This script uses the graphviz dot algorithm because I forgot how that layer concept is called in graph theory.
Basically it outputs directly installed packages, then dependencies of those, then dependencies of those …
import re
from subprocess import check_output
import networkx as nx
from networkx.drawing.nx_agraph import graphviz_layout
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
def get_tree(package: str):
edges = [
l.split(' -> ') for l in
check_output(['pactree', '--graph', package], encoding='utf-8').splitlines()
if ' -> ' in l
g = nx.DiGraph()
for a, b in edges:
a = re.sub(r'"([\w-]+)(?:>?=[\w.]+)?"', r'\1', a.strip())
b = re.sub(r'"([\w-]+)(?:>?=[\w.]+)?".*', r'\1', b.strip())
g.add_edge(a, b)
return g
packages = check_output(['pacman', '-Qoq', '/usr/lib/python3.8/site-packages/'], encoding='utf-8').splitlines()
trees = list(map(get_tree, packages))
joined = nx.DiGraph()
joined.add_edges_from(e for g in trees for e in g.edges())
simplified = joined.subgraph(packages + ['START'])
# Comment this out if you don’t want to visualize it:
plt.figure(figsize=(15, 25))
nx.draw_networkx(simplified, graphviz_layout(simplified, 'dot', args='-Grankdir="LR"'), bbox={})
layers = {}
for name, (_, x) in graphviz_layout(simplified, 'dot').items():
layers.setdefault(x, set()).add(name)
for l in sorted(layers, reverse=True)[1:]:
I just did it manually with my packages.
Fortunately only few of them has another custom package as a dependency.
Anyways, thanks for the script.
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