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#1 2006-10-18 10:00:37

From: Anywhere but here
Registered: 2006-07-06
Posts: 359

Two little problems with mrxvt

I'm in the middle of my switching between kde/bloat apps to openbox/lighter apps and it's going well so far.
But I've found two problems with mrxvt (my konsole replacement) that I can't resolve myself

1 -  Mrxvt doesn't output the euro sign. It does output every other "special" character as accented ones, umlaut, tilde and so on. Only the euro is substituited by a strange simbol, better using a screenshot (the last one is the supposed euro signs):

Related part of mrxvtrc:

mrxvt*xft:              true
mrxvt*xftFont:          DejaVu Sans Mono
mrxvt*xftmFont:         DejaVu Sans Mono
mrxvt*xftFont:          Bitstream Vera Sans Mono
mrxvt*xftmFont:         Bitstream Vera Sans Mono
!mrxvt*multichar_encoding: ISO8859-15

The last one is commented out because if activated it does resolve the problem, but typing is painfully slow and sometimes is needed to type twice the same character to make it show once  :?
Changing the option to UTF8 or iso8859-1 doesn't make the euro sign appear (but the typing is a lot faster).

My locale:


2 - I'm trying to make a profile work, opening 4 tabs with the most used apps and, if I don't need them anymore, keep the tabs open even after the exit of the process (normal or abnormal). It should be done with the holdExit option in mrxvtrc but it doesn't work, instead of keeping the tab open it prints:

Process exited normally with status 0. Press any key to close tab.

but I want the tab to remain open.
The profile section of mrxvtrc:

! Profile Section
! Root access
Mrxvt.profile1.command:    /bin/su
Mrxvt.profile1.workingDirectory:    /root/home
Mrxvt.profile1.tabTitle:    "Got Root?"
Mrxvt.profile1.hold:    0x01

! Mutt 
Mrxvt.profile2.command:    /usr/bin/mutt -y
Mrxvt.profile2.holdExit:    0x01

! Slrn
Mrxvt.profile3.command:    /usr/bin/slrn
Mrxvt.profile3.tabTitle:    "Slrn"
Mrxvt.profile3.holdExit:    0

! Screen
Mrxvt.profile4.command:    screen
Mrxvt.profile4.tabTitle:    "Screen"

! Lastly, user defined profile
Mrxvt.initProfileList:    1,2,3,4

As you can see I tried different values to holdExit (even deprecated ones like Yes and Always), but none of them let the tabs remain open.

I don't know if I have misunderstood something in the manpage of these are two bugs of mrxvt, anyone can cast some light on this?

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