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Hi All,
I have just completed my install but I just want to make sure that the following directories listed are correct as I am suspicious of the mnt directory whether it should be there or not. I created /boot/efi but not t he others or mnt. Can someone kindly look please ?
bin boot dev efi etc home lib lib64 lost+found mnt opt proc root run sbin srv sys tmp usr var
Kind regards,
Last edited by farchirook (2021-01-02 01:44:50)
It's normal.
pacman -Qo /mnt
/mnt/ is owned by filesystem 2020.09.03-1
and doesn't have a relation to UEFI.
This and the other thread sound like you are very new to linux, are you sure you want to start out with Arch? It's not quite intended as a first time Linux distribution and if you are already unsure about basic concepts like these you will either have to do a lot more reading on some concepts to catch up or you'll potentially have a hard time with Arch.
Last edited by V1del (2020-12-30 20:58:28)
I am beginning to agree with you. The only reason why I picked Arch is because it is clean and not bloated. I will use it and read more and if I fall into more doubts I will probably choose Fedora or Debian. I have used Ubuntu in the past and I hated it.
I remember now I did mount /dev/sda1 /mnt/efi after creating /mnt/efi. Does it matter ? It said it in the guide that’s why I did it. I then followed the wiki and did /boot/efi for doing boot loader work.
I am leaving Arch Linux for good. Maybe once I feel more comfortable I will come back. Thank you for everything.
Pages: 1