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I'M new here, first time on Arch, I was with Linux mint since a while. And I installed arch linux 2020-11-1 and after the setup, and I rebooted, I have the ''grub/i386-pc/normal.mod not found'' error.
I tried many solutions but nothing works yet..
here some pics took from my cell phone. Last two from Super grub tools..
Last edited by James80 (2021-01-11 17:01:00)
I installed arch linux 2020-11-1 and after the setup
That's a bit vague, we're going to need more detail. The more information you supply the more likely it is that we will be able to help you.
Jin, Jîyan, Azadî
What partitions do you have, what file systems were they were formatted with, and where were the files installed.
I have 2 partitions, SDA1 and sda2,
sda1 = 512M boot
sda2 = 240G
the problem was only about grub, during te grub installtion, I ve had an error, no grub install but today, I re install everything, now at ''grub'' step, new thing, no error report at the end, good news, but just before ''no error report'' we can see a lot of errors, here:
also, some more errors:
: SQUASHFS error: unable to read fragment and read page, block +boot/efi does not look like an EFI partition.
This reads like you are pushing all of this into the ISO rather than your actual file system.. What's your output of
? And if you have a internet connection, use … in_clients to paste outputs.