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Today updated and switched over to pipewire (removed pulseaudio, installed pipewire-pulse).
The moc server keeps playing streamed music in the background, all is well until I launch Android emulator. That's when things get interesting: sound stutters about once every second until I open pavucontrol. While it's open (even if not visible - shaded, minimized or on other workspace), sound is solid without interruptions. The moment I close the mixer, the sound starts to stutter again. If I uncheck "Show volume meters" in "Configuration" tab, stutter is back. If I close the emulator, all is well again.
So far the only failing combination I've found is running Android emulator and mocp. Streaming with mplayer works OK even along running emulator.
Last edited by kaaposc (2021-03-02 16:51:52)
I solved it.
Moc configuration ~/.moc/config had "SoundDriver = PULSEAUDIO:JACK:ALSA:OSS" set after some previous mocp sound problems. Removing the line solves stutter problem. Now moc server when started first tries JACK, then ALSA and I guess finds the last one suitable.