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Hello People,
I have the linux system installed, now with the problem that "mkinitcpio -p linux", updat "pacman -Syu" and "pacstrap /mnt linux" can not install the initramfs.img.
it says: "ERROR: Unable to write to path: `/initramfs-linux.img' "
Any idea?
Hello People,
I have the linux system installed, now with the problem that "mkinitcpio -p linux", updat "pacman -Syu" and "pacstrap /mnt linux" can not install the initramfs.img.
it says: "ERROR: Unable to write to path: `/initramfs-linux.img' "
Any idea?
Why are you trying to mount pacstrap? Thats' for installing the base and linux and linux firmware packages. If i had to guess is you didnt mount something properly in the installation for the ram init system.
sydneymoargan wrote:Hello People,
I have the linux system installed, now with the problem that "mkinitcpio -p linux", updat "pacman -Syu" and "pacstrap /mnt linux" can not install the initramfs.img.
it says: "ERROR: Unable to write to path: `/initramfs-linux.img' "
Any idea?Why are you trying to mount pacstrap? Thats' for installing the base and linux and linux firmware packages. If i had to guess is you didnt mount something properly in the installation for the ram init system.
Hello Mr,
I stated here ways how I tryed to fix the problem, where installation is one, but didn't worked.
My mount point is "/boot" for the esp. Is it need to mount and set in fstab to: "/boot/esp or /esp?" I have the notorious UEFI who is known to be unofficially: *not open!*
Last edited by sydneymoargan (2021-03-24 06:35:35)
Mrhawkbox wrote:sydneymoargan wrote:Hello People,
I have the linux system installed, now with the problem that "mkinitcpio -p linux", updat "pacman -Syu" and "pacstrap /mnt linux" can not install the initramfs.img.
it says: "ERROR: Unable to write to path: `/initramfs-linux.img' "
Any idea?Why are you trying to mount pacstrap? Thats' for installing the base and linux and linux firmware packages. If i had to guess is you didnt mount something properly in the installation for the ram init system.
Hello Mr,
I stated here ways how I tryed to fix the problem, where installation is one, but didn't worked.
My mount point is "/boot" for the esp. Is it need to mount and set in fstab to: "/boot/esp or /esp?" I have the notorious UEFI who is known to be unofficially: *not open!*
Arch supports uefi. Ok I honestly reccomend starting the install over because I have no Idea where you mounted anything or the directories are. but for genfstab you use
genfstab -U -p /mnt >> /mnt/etc/fstab
make sure you make the directory /mnt/etc first.
Last edited by Mrhawkbox (2021-03-24 11:52:20)
why are you trying to mount an arch install to any efi partition?
Mrhawkbox wrote:sydneymoargan wrote:Hello People,
I have the linux system installed, now with the problem that "mkinitcpio -p linux", updat "pacman -Syu" and "pacstrap /mnt linux" can not install the initramfs.img.
it says: "ERROR: Unable to write to path: `/initramfs-linux.img' "
Any idea?Why are you trying to mount pacstrap? Thats' for installing the base and linux and linux firmware packages. If i had to guess is you didnt mount something properly in the installation for the ram init system.
Hello Mr,
I stated here ways how I tryed to fix the problem, where installation is one, but didn't worked.
My mount point is "/boot" for the esp. Is it need to mount and set in fstab to: "/boot/esp or /esp?" I have the notorious UEFI who is known to be unofficially: *not open!*
Ok don't take this the wrong way but I dont think yo understand what you are doing. Let me explain. sda1 is a general partion table. Whichh is for your hard drive. sda2 the efi well thats for the uefi so your hard drive can accept input and output commands from the system. sda3 would be everything else.
Mr Mrkhawkbox it does not help to guess, I get some help in the german form, here is the link, learn from:
This thread is closed!
Mr Mrkhawkbox it does not help to guess, I get some help in the german form, here is the link, learn from:
This thread is closed!
As we are troubleshooting your failed installation the only way is to guess. The fact your trying to install an init system on an efi partition says that you installed something incorrectly. I told you from the start. You failed to set up correctly start over. I stated from the beginning what you were doing wrong and why it was wrong. NOBODY on this forum has a clue what you did during installation.
Last edited by Mrhawkbox (2021-03-28 09:46:11)
Seems like you both aren't sure what you are talking about and are misundertanding the other.
I have the linux system installed, now with the problem that "mkinitcpio -p linux", updat "pacman -Syu" and "pacstrap /mnt linux" can not install the initramfs.img.
You did this from your system and not the live usb?
If so that may be the problem becayse it can't find what it is looking for.
pacstrap /mnt linux
Would have only reinstalled the kernel.
Also you never said if you had mounted the partitions or not before trying to pacstrap.
Just for the record "pacstrap /mnt" doesn't "mount" anything....
why are you trying to mount an arch install to any efi partition?
Not what op was getting at.
Last edited by LiNkz (2021-04-04 05:37:58)
sydneymoargan wrote:Mr Mrkhawkbox it does not help to guess, I get some help in the german form, here is the link, learn from:
This thread is closed!
As we are troubleshooting your failed installation the only way is to guess. The fact your trying to install an init system on an efi partition says that you installed something incorrectly. I told you from the start. You failed to set up correctly start over. I stated from the beginning what you were doing wrong and why it was wrong. NOBODY on this forum has a clue what you did during installation.
Sure I did something wrong at installation. Do not hesitate to hypothesis.. my explenation was vage and theirfor your guess was a kind, but let my say I had the installation reimplemented and it worked. May it be that I complicated an old initramfs.img with the new one, that I thought would work, but it did not. So I wanted to reinstall that but the procedure I tryed didn't work.
I hope I make the thread more clear next time.
Pages: 1